P5H Group 1 Maths Homework – w/b 6.3.17

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Thursday.

Have a Go – Word Problems

  1. On Saturday Mrs. Hughes was at the Red Hot Ball. If the ball started at 7.30pm and lasted 5 and a half hours, what time did it finish at?
  2. There were 3090 millions in our Guess the Number of Sweets game which was won by Logan.  If Logan has now eaten 156 of them how many are still left in the jar?
  3. Jack has 63 Pokémon cards, if he gives a third to Holly how many cards does she get?
  4. Mrs. Hughes has a sheet of 30 silver merit stickers. If she has already given out a fifth of them, how many has she got left?
  5. Challenge Question: Last Wednesday we went to see the BBC SNO Ten Pieces concert. There were 48 P5 pupils on the trip.      (a) Would every child be able to sit with a partner? Explain your answer.                                                                                                                       (b) How many pairs of seats would be used by the pupils?

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