P5S – Book Detectives due 1.12.16

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As discussed in class, you will read a set amount of pages per week. Please see below for the pages to be read by each group this week.

Green: Carnival King – Please read the introduction and chp. 1-5 inclusive (pages 4-40).

Yellow:    Hostage – Please read chp. 1-7 inclusive (pages 3-27).

Red:   Over the Rainbow – Please read the introduction and chp. 1-2 inclusive (pages 4-20).

Blue:   Kid Wonder and the Sticky Skyscraper – Please read chp. 1-4 inclusive (pages 3-24).

Once you have completed the reading this week you should then complete two segments using the information from the chapters read: Question Master and Illustrator.  A short section from the book should also be chosen to read aloud to your group members.

We have gone over the types of questions you should be coming up with this week: literal and evaluative. Please remember that answers for literal questions are found in the text. Evaluative questions are your thoughts and opinions on what you have read, eg. Why do you think Sonia’s dad did not want to be entered into the cake competition?  You should use what you have read to justify your answer, eg. use evidence from the text to make judgements on what you have read.

Please come up with 5 questions (3 of one style and 2 of the other) which can be shared with your group members during our next session. You must also have detailed answers for each of your questions. Please remember your answers should be written in full sentences.

You should also completed a detailed illustration of an interesting part of the story so far. A short, written explanation should also be included. This task should be completed in your Book Detectives jotter. This task should be completed and returned to school for Thursday 1st December.

Please remember that you will be unable to participate in our class lesson if you do not complete this task.

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