Mangahigh Challenge Fai-To!


You have been offered the chance to challenge another school to a Fai-To. If your students decide to proceed with the Fai-To challenge, they will face up to 9 rounds of head to head mathematics competition.

How Fai-To Works
When you next log in, you will be offered a choice of two different schools to challenge. You can also decide not to challenge anyone (boo!). If 6 pupils vote to challenge one of the schools, then the Fai-To is on, and the first school to win 5 rounds of the Fai-To is the Winner. The defending school will receive 1 advantage round for free. Each subsequent round lasts 24 hours, and you score points by winning medal points as usual. Fai-To does not affect the way that you use Mangahigh.

As the Challenger, if we win the Fai-To, we will capture the Defender’s current trophy for your cabinet. You can upgrade your trophies by winning more Fai-Tos.  The honour of the school is at stake!



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