P5S – Homework w/b 31.10.16

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Desktop_Project <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Good evening P5S! I hope you have had a lovely weekend after the busy week we have just had. Lots of photographs from some of our lessons have been posted. Please show them to someone at home. As always we have another busy week ahead of us. Keep reading for a rundown of your homework and reminders.

Spelling:  Unit 16 or 23 should be completed in your spelling homework jotter for Friday. Try to complete a different Creative Spelling activity from last week.

Book Detectives:  Please click the link below to see your Book Detectives homework which should be completed for Thursday.  Please remember if you do not complete the task, you will be unable to participate in the class lesson.

Book Detectives homework link

Personal Reading Challenge:  As discussed in class, you should read at least 4 extra books this term. You should now be well into your first book. I know that some  people are now onto their second book. Fabulous! Once you have completed a book, you should fill in your reading record which is being kept in class.

Maths:  This week you have another set of worded problems to complete in your maths homework jotter. Last week in class we chatted about how to work out what type of calculation the question is asking you to do. It can be quite tricky but we will have lots of practice this term so hopefully it will become easier as the weeks go by. We will also be practicing these types of questions in class too. Remember practice makes perfect!

Please read the instructions carefully to ensure all aspects of the task are being completed. If you are unsure as to how you should layout your work, please look at the post for “Examples of Good Work”.

Please click your group link below.

Group 1

Group 2

Topic: Next week we will be looking at Bishopton and comparing it to a small town in Brazil. In preparation for this I would like you to keep a diary for a day. Choose a day this week and keep a note of your daily routine. You should consider the following:

  • What time do you get up?
  • What do you do in the morning before school?
  • What time do you leave for school?
  • How do you get there?
  • What did you do in school through the day?
  • Do you attend any clubs after school?
  • When do you have dinner?
  • What time do you go to bed?

Paper will be issued for you to complete the task on. This task should be returned to school by Friday.

Here are your reminders for this week.

  1. P.E. is on Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure you have a full kit to change into: shorts, top and trainers. Girls, please remember to bring socks if you are wearing tights. As both our P.E. sessions are going to be rather energetic, please ensure you have a water bottle with you.
  2. On Tuesday we have our first visit to the library. Please bring a suitable jacket with you as we will be going whatever the weather. If you have a library card, please bring this with you.
  3. The Christmas card orders have been sent out and are due to be returned by Tuesday 1st November.
  4. Photographs will be issued this week and are due to be returned by Thursday 10th November.

See you in the morning.

Mrs O’Neill

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