P7 Maths Homework – Fractions (Friday 28th October)


Our new Maths topic is ‘Fractions, Decimals and Percentages’ but we will need to recap those concepts to get us going. Answer the questions below is your Maths Homework jotter for Friday 28th October.  Remember to write the date, an appropriate title and show any working or calculations. Use the weblinks to help you.

Introduction to Fractions – Maths is Fun

Equivalent Fractions – Maths is Fun

  1. What is the numerator in each of these fractions?

a)  fraction1     b)   fraction2     c) fraction3            d) fraction5

  1. What is the denominator in each of the fractions?

a) fraction4     b)  fraction6       c)   fraction7       d)   fraction8

  1. pizza-fractionWhat fraction of the pizza has:

a) been eaten?                  b) not been eaten?

  1. What fraction of the big triangle is coloured a) red?   b) yellow)?[image]

  2. Using the rule about how to work out equivalent fractions: “Change the bottom using multiply or divide,
    And the same to the top must be applied”. For example, 


Calculate the equivalent fractions and show working for the fractions below.

a) ef1     b) ef3

c)  ef4     d) ef2

  1. Which one of the following fractions is NOT equivalent to all the others? Show working to explain how you worked it out.

  2. [image]

8 [image]

  1.  [image]

  2. [image]  . What fraction of the pizza did they eat altogether?

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