P5S – Homework w/b 19.09.16

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Desktop_Project <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Olá from sunny Brazil. After a very long journey I have arrived in Brazil and I am now looking forward to relaxing for a few days before the big wedding. I knew you would still be looking for your homework so here it is.

Spelling: Due to this being a short week in class (remember you are out of class on Thursday for our European Language Day) we have suspended spelling for this week. Please practice your words from previous lists: especially those you may be getting wrong in our weekly spelling tests.

Book Detectives: You have been given two weeks to complete your next lot of reading and segments due to our European Language Day on Thursday and the holiday weekend. Please ensure you complete the reading of chapters 22-25 (inclusive) and both your summariser and illustrator segments.

Your summariser should include information from all  of the chapters you have read. Please remember to include a short written explanation of your illustration. You should also choose your favourite part to read aloud to your group members.

This task is due for Wednesday 28th September (not Thursday due to our trip to Stirling Castle). Please ensure it is completed to allow you to take part in the class lesson.

Maths3 challenges have been set up on Mangahigh for you to complete by Mrs Hughes. All games should be played. As always you should try to achieve the highest medal you can. This task should be completed for Thursday.

Topic: Please remember to continue working on your personal project AFTER your weekly homework has been completed. You should also be taking time to practice your presentation in front of an audience. Ask someone at home to listen to you.

To access the task sheet, please click here .

Here are your reminders for the coming week.

  1. As this is a short week you will only have P.E. on Tuesday. Please remember to take your kit home to be washed.
  2. Please remember to return your consent forms for our trip to Stirling Castle.
  3. It is our House European Language day on Thursday. It is a non-uniform day so please come to school in your house colours.
  4. It is a holiday weekend. School closes at 3.15pm on Thursday and reopens on Tuesday 27th.

Have a wonderful holiday weekend. I look forward to hearing your stories when I get back (and sharing mine). See you all soon.

Mrs O’Neill

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