All posts by Miss Todd

Eco Day

P7 paired up with their P1 buddies as part of Eco Day. They worked together on numerous tasks and had so much fun. They made pictures using natural materials, they went to find Minibeasts and lastly they went Orienteering round the school using photographs to help them find letters that would make a word. Some of our groups managed to unjumble the letters to make the word RENEWABLE! 

Technology Challenge

P7 have been working hard on their vehicles. Our builders worked with Derek and Jim from Rolls Royce to add the electric components to our cars. We had to pay close attention working with wires to ensure it was completed accurately. We are really please with how they are looking so far.

Newspaper Bridge Challenge

P7 and P7/6 took part in a group challenge where they had to build a bridge using only newspaper and masking tape. The bridge had to hold the weight of a tub of nails without bending. We had a great time and the visitors from Rolls Royce helped us and gave us advice. Some of our bridges managed to hold the weight of the nails!


P4/3 and P3 World of Work Week

On Tuesday, P3 and P4/3 had a Firefighter  and Midwife in to visit us! We learned so much about their jobs and the equipment they use in order to their job safely and accurately. Miss Todd was even dressed up as a Firefighter and told us how warm and heavy the clothing was.

P4/3 and P3 World of Work Week Visitors

On Monday, P4/3 and P3 had some fascinating visitors in to talk to us about their jobs.  Ms Burke works for G4S and is an Operations Manager, Mr Smithsimmons is a Humanist Celebrant and Mrs Aitkenhead is an Environment Consultant. We learned so much about what they do. Mr Smithsimmons even performed a ‘wedding’ using P3 and P4/3 pupils.