Week commencing 27th March

Next week the pupils in the whole school will have World of Work days, Rights Respecting School Day, Eco Day and Fundraisers so here is a break down of some of the info you may need.


The children can bring in a bag of old clothes to be recycled for the RagBag collection. House points will be given to everyone who participates
Monday and Tuesday

World of Work Days, we will have lots of visitors into the school and the children may dress as an occupation of their voice  or in their own clothes. There is will be no charge for this.

Rights Respecting Heroes day, the children should wear school uniform and, if possible, bring in an item for the local foodbank. P6 also have Bikeability this day and should bring bikes.

Eco day The children should wear old clothes as they may get messy.

House Charity day. The children can wear their own clothes for £1. There will also be stalls available and games etc for a small charge. All money raised at this event will go towards p7s chosen  charities. School will finish at 2:30pm on this day.

A very busy week for everyone but we hope the children will have a fantastic time!

Parents evenings will also be held on Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th, slips will be sent home with your child stating the time you have been given.