School Improvement Plan Update

A letter went out yesterday outlining all of the different ways we have been working towards our School Improvement Plan.

Here are the headlines:


We are following the Renfrewshire Literacy Strategy

Reading staff training provided this session

New phonics programme from P1-7

Every class has a new library space

Reading information evening

Story club introduced

Barsail Reading Challenges P1-3

First Minister’s Challenge P4-7


Numeracy Champion, Miss Morrison, provides support and staff training

Number Day improved enthusiasm for Maths

Playground markings have had a positive impact on outdoor Maths

Increase in Numeracy sessions on timetables and through homework


Blogging is helping communication

Email alerts for parents available through the website

IPads purchased

Modern Foreign Languages

Spanish introduced

New Modern Languages club


Appropriate sized tables in infant classes

Horseshoe teaching tables bought

Pupil Groups

  • Pupil Council are leading World Book Day – 2nd March. Children should bring a book and dressing as a book character is optional
  • Walk to school group – Remember to join the fun during Walk on Wednesday every week: February – warm hat, March – jacket back to front, April – Easter accessory, May – odd socks, June – wacky hair.
  • Fairtrade Friends – Fairtrade fortnight is 27th February – 12th March. If children bring a fairtrade snack during this time they will get a house point. A Fairtrade stall will be set up Wednesday 1st March – Friday 3rd March. Items will cost up to £3
  • Our World of Work days 27th and 28th of March
  • Rights Respecting Heroes day on 29th March. They would like donations for the local foodbank.
  • Eco Day….on 30th March – please wear old, outdoor clothes. The Eco Challenges, which have been sent out, are optional and link to this day.
  • Team Mila and Save the Children fundraiser on 31st March. Pupils are being asked to donate £1 to wear their own clothes and they can bring in change from their piggy banks to visit fun stalls.

Other than the charity fundraiser, all pupil led events are free and there is always the option of own clothes instead of dressing up.


We have high expectations for all of our pupils. My aspiration is for every member of the Barsail family to:

Dream Big, Aim High and Achieve More!

Celebrating Achievements

Star award winners

Achievements from school and home are announced at assembly

Head Teacher letters of recognition have been introduced

Head Teacher certificates awarded

Well done to the P1-6 class Scots poetry winners and P7 Burns finalists.

Pupil profiling is being piloted in some classes


The Head Teacher position within Barsail is currently being advertised and the plan is to hold interviews before Easter.

Thank you for your continued support. Together, the Barsail family of pupils, parents, partners and staff, are making an incredible difference to our children.

Yours sincerely,

Emma Mavers

Acting Head Teacher