P6 blog update November

This term p6 have been very busy, we all got the responsibility of doing the Edina Trust project. In this task we plant, look after and record the life of a bulb. We also finished our wonderful book “Friend or Foe”, it was a brilliant book about 2 evacuees in World War 2.

As a fantastic group project which our amazing teacher thought of, every group was given a propaganda poster and we cut it up and then each person drew a quarter. We then tried to join them together.

We all wrote tragic World War 2 story called Air Raid Blitz and because they were so good we got to type them out. When parents come to our open afternoon you will get the opportunity to read them.

We started a challenge called The First Minster’s Challenge where we have to try and read 100 books before June which means ready steady read!

Thank you for reading my blog

Your sincerely
