Primary 6 Homework Challenge

The children have been given a choice for homework this week, they can complete any of the following active spelling challenges but must complete at least one. Each has been allocated a number of dojos according to difficulty and the children can complete as many as they want.

5 Dojos

Riddle me

Write a riddle for each of your spelling words. Don’t forget to add the answer to your riddles.

Example: I cry when I am hungry. I wear nappies. What am I? A baby

2 Dojos

Words without vowels

Write you spelling words  in a list, but replace all of the vowels with a line. Then go back to the beginning of your list and see if you can fill in the correct missing vowels.

1 Dojo

Squiggly Spelling Words

Write your spelling words two times. First regular then again with squiggly letters.

Good Luck !