Heather Hamilton from the Highland Perthshire Community Land Trust has been working with us to fix, build and paint birdboxes.
Normally we would be out with Heather planting trees at Dun Collich but we can’t do that this year. Instead Heather offered to come in and support the team by making some bird boxes.
P7 had their first session with her this week, it is Mr Liney’s class next week and Mr Poole’s GME class the following one so keep checking back for more photos!
Thanks very much Heather, it was great to see you and we all enjoyed sanding, drilling, hammering, sawing and painting. The birds will be happy too.
We are doing a project where we are converting a small woodland space at the back of our school into a safe outdoor learning space.
Here are some of our goals for the space: to make it a safe outdoor learning space for all, to tidy the area and help the trees grow healthily, to keep it as wild as possible whilst also making it a nice clean space, we have many goals for Nature’s Wood and hope to achieve as many as possible.
It is a small social enterprise to help this small space and make it safe for all species.
There are three classes working together on this project; P7, P6/7 and GME 4-7.
Written by Jack Smith
Market Research Team
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