McAdam Joinery

McAdam Joinery McAdam Joinery <>

Thank you very much McAdam joinery  for all the gloves vouchers and wellie boots for us. we are going to look for some plants to get with the gift vouchers. The wellies will be extremely useful for the pupils that do not wear appropriate foot wear for being in a woods! The gloves are going to be extremely useful for us because we have to borrow gloves from county side ranger Jeannie Grant. McAdam joinery

By Reece da Silva and Nathan Buttar

We really appreciate what you have given us. These wellies will be very good for doing maintenance when it’s muddy or growing plants in the swampy area or if someone doesn’t remember appropriate foot wear, the gloves will help when wet and muddy and being able to carry sharp things without getting hurt. The vouchers were a big donation and will help with making the place more alive. Thanks very much McAdam joinery.

By Dougal McAdam and Cameron Will

We am very grateful for your donation it was so very helpful it will help a lot because some people don’t have wellies or waterproof shoes we are happy to get the stuff and now people wont have wet feet because our outdoor area is covered in water and swampy bits.

by brogan



We are very grateful for what you have given us! The gloves will really help to keep our hands safe from injuring ourselves, and the wellies are also amazing for the people that don’t have appropriate footwear! Thankyou very much for your donation!!

by Holly Wilson and Matilda Milton

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