Thank you very much to Perth and Kinross Council and the folk at Galliford Try who provided us with a grant to purchase our very own tools to use in Nature’s Wood. Last year we had to borrow tools from our countryside ranger. She was very generous to lend them out to us but it is fantastic to have our own supply.
Attached are some photos of the tools in use.
Recently we have been:
- Spreading bark chippings to consolidate the log seating area
- Cutting, looping and sawing rounds of wood for a bug hotel
- Digging a level piece of ground to situate the bug hotel
- Clearing a path to access the bug hotel at the back of our space.
P3 have also been using the tarpaulins and trowels to plant potatoes for a project they are doing. We hope their growing project is successful because new potatoes are delicious with a little butter. I am sure they will share