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Science – Dissolving

Science – Exploring Dissolving

 P5-7 have enjoyed exploring the scientific process of dissolving this week in our co-operative groups. As a team, we discussed, designed and carried out our own dissolving experiments. Some materials we explored included coffee, salt, sugar, chalk, rice and chocolate powder! Our experiments allowed us to discover the impact that stirring, volume of water, temperature of water and weight of the solute had on the speed of dissolving. We used the class i-pads as timers to ensure accurate results and compared our predictions to our actual results.

We evaluated each others experiments to ensure that each designed experiment was fair and we enjoyed discussing the outcome of each experiment.

During our experiments we began to discuss the process of separation and filtration. Our next Science lesson will focus on these topics.

We enjoyed trying out the safety goggles!

Measuring the materials that we need for our experiments!
Does changing the size of the solute make a difference?
Measuring carefully!
Measuring carefully!

Sharing Assembly

We held a sharing assembly on Friday. Every girl and boy in the whole school brought a piece of work that demonstrated how we had learned new skills or developed skills we already had. Some people brought their Beautiful Thoughts poems and talked about their presentation skills and use of simile. Some of us brought our disgusting food from Mr Twit’s beard, maths work or pieces of collage. We were all pleased to talk about our work and how our skills were improving. We had to show good active listening skills, giving good eye contact, encouraging and asking questions.sharing