All posts by A. Kenmore

Fraction Fruit Salads!

We have been learning about Fractions including halves, quarters, and eighths! Yesterday we made fractions out of shapes, and today we made a tasty Fruit Salad fraction mix.

There was a lot of different learning in today’s Fruit Salad mix. We had to learn how to prepare food safely; how to cut fractions; and how to be responsible for our group area!

So many of the children seemed to like the cleaning up part, so feel free to encourage it at home as well! 😉


Welcome to the Autumn Term 2016

As the season changes it is clear to me there cannot be many places that compare to Highland Perthshire in autumn. The tress and the loch are so beautiful and I think everyone appreciates what a fantastic setting we are all working and learning in.

The Autumn Term is nine weeks long and we work right up to 23rd December which feels late this year but school starts again on Monday 9th January so the holiday is over three weekends which may allow some families to go away or just enjoy some peaceful time after the hustle and bustle of the festive period.

This year we plan to do Christmas slightly differently and we all hope you enjoy what the pupils and staff are planning on sharing with you, your friends and families on Wednesday 14th December at the school.

I hope you will look at the webpage, blogs and twitter feeds that the classes and Heads Together groups are posting to record the work they are doing over the next term.

As always your comments, suggestions and questions are welcome.

I hope to see you all very soon,

Laura McIntosh