Technical talk

The P3 and 4 boys and girls had 5 visitors this afternoon from P1 and 2 and we chose unanimously to share our learning about energy and circuits.

Mr. Liney laid out the equipment but we organised everything else. We worked co-operatively in groups of 3 and helped the wee ones to make a  circuit and taught them the science words for all the parts. We problem solved how to make a switch from classroom stationery and some of us went on to make parallel circuits.

A note from Mr. L.

It was a joy to hear the language used and the learning shared.

‘We call it a lamp. Bulbs grow in the garden.’

‘Will we make a simple circuit first?’

‘Can you see it’s an unbroken loop?’

‘This is a cell. Now this is a battery of cells.’

‘Righty tighty.’ ‘Lefty loosey.’

If you can explain it to a P1, you understand it, right enough!

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