Want to use your iPad in the classroom? We are getting there…

Perth and Kinross is making major inroads into the whole BYOD agenda. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to people using their own ‘devices’ (iPads and tablets/ smartphones/ laptops) to access the internet at work or school where, typically, this would not have been possible before.

So what are we doing about it?

Well, we are very busy taking this forward. At the moment, we are running pilots at Strathearn campus in Crieff and Fairview school in Perth. The pilot is going well and we hope to have finished the pilot by the end of February. We are also going to be running a pilot with a primary and early years focus at North Inch Community Campus.

So what happens after the pilots?

We are having lots of meetings with ICT people and are working on new policies that will allow us to roll out BYOD across the authority. We know that many of you will have received shiny new tablets for Christmas and we are working very hard to put the necessary legal protection in place to allow you to use these devices in school. We wish we could just make it happen today but there is a good bit of work to do to make this happen safely and effectively.

So will we see BYOD in 2013 in Perth and Kinross’ schools?

Yes! This is very much our intention and Our Cloud will keep you posted on developments and support schools and users as we begin to roll out policy across the authority.

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