Positive Relationships

Positive Relationships

Good relationships between staff, pupils and parents are key to our school’s success.

This means: We communicate effectively; we listen respectfully to one another’s points of view and try to understand. We trust one another; we believe that everyone is making decisions based on what is best for individual pupils and their classes.

We advocate a system of positive behaviour and use Bounce Back, a resiliency programme which helps children to cope with the complexity of their everyday lives and learn to ‘bounce back’ when they experience sadness, difficulties, frustrations and hard times. In our school children work together on their school and class rules.

When relationships break down we work out ways of repairing them. When they do break down we use restorative approaches to repair them.


To find out more about restorative approaches please read our leaflet , and have a look at the Parent Zone Website – Parentzone Scotland | Education Scotland

Click to access Relationships_leaflet.pdf


As part of Auchtergaven Primary school’ s approach to restorative practice and good relationships we have devised a 5 point scale for staff, pupil and parents. This scale indicates the range of behaviours we might see at school and how we manage them.