Nursery Attendance

Nursery Attendance


Nursery education is non-statutory but continuity for the child is very important. If your child is going to be absent for a period due to illness or holiday arrangements, please keep us informed. Please inform us via the school office by 9.30am. If we do not hear from you it is our policy to call you regarding your absence.

It is essential that your child is accompanied by a responsible adult to and from each session. Please supervise your child on arrival and bring him/her into the Nursery. You are most welcome to stay and share in your child’s activities at any time.

If at some time, another adult, unknown to the Nursery staff, is going to collect your child, please ensure that we are aware of this.

Nursery Absence Policy

If your child has been ill, please consider others. In cases of sickness and/or diarrhoea, Perth & Kinross policy states that children cannot return to nursery until a full 48 hours after their final bout of sickness and/or diarrhoea.

Please find below Perth and Kinross Nursery Absence policy.


PDF icon Absence Policy