Parent Council

What does the Parent Council do?

The main functions of the Parent Council are:

  • To promote partnership between the school, pupils, parents and the wider community
  • To develop and promote parental engagement in activities which support learning and the welfare of the pupils
  • To identify and represent the views of parents on the education provided by the school and other matters affecting the education and welfare of the pupils
  • To co-ordinate fundraising activities for the benefit of the school community

Who are the Parent Council?

The Parent Council is a group of parents selected by members of the parents forum to represent all the parents of the children.  The Parent Council also has a very active Fundraising group,  called FAS (Fundraisers for Auchtergaven School).

Please click on the links below for:

Parent Council Members

CHAIR – Katie Brunton

SECRETARY – Danielle Parys

TREASURER – Stacy McDonald

Parent Members:

Alex Deliyannis

Laura Munro

Carleen McConachie

Lisa McNicol

Fundraising -Pam Hamilton

Teacher Members:

Catharine Findlay

Natasha Welsh