Month: June 2015

Africa 2013-2014

In 2013 – 2014 session we went to see the Lion King Musical in Edinburgh and were inspired to learn more about Africa. We shared our learning by creating a film that was shown at The Birks cinema in Aberfeldy.
Check it out via the links below.

Our Model Lung

vP5,6 and p7 did an experiment to find out more about the lungs and how they work. The big pink balloon at the bottom represents the diaphram, the bottle is the ribcage which protects the lungs, the smaller balloon is the lung which inflates and deflates when your pull the diaphram, and the straw represents the trachea which lets your air travel safely from your mouth and nose to your lungs. When your blood absorbs oxygen, little sacs called alveoli take it to your bloodstream. Carbon dioxide is flushed out of our bodies when we breathe out. Our next steps are to learn about the veins, bronchioles, main bronchus, the alveoli and how they work and where carbon dioxide comes from.IMG_2846


This week we have been reflecting on our learning and putting together pupil profiles. These profiles share how we feel about our learning, discuss what skills we have developed and help us think about what we might want to do in the future. Our profiles will be sent home to share with our families along with our written reports and portfolios of learning at the end of June.

Bony Fred


P1 – 3 are learning about the human body and how it works. Today we looked at the skeleton. Everyone agreed that without a skeleton we wouldn’t be able to stand up and would just flop to the floor, it does a a very important job. It also protects our organs for example our lungs, heart and brain!

To help us learn how the human skeleton is put together and the names for all the bones we decided to make one! We thought he should be called Bony Fred, isn’t he great! We worked together to make all the bones, it was tricky at times but we kept at it and finished putting him together just before home time.