Congratulations to our Eco Committee, Mrs Wallace, volunteers, helpers, staff, and all of the children of Errol Primary School in being awarded our Green Flag in October 2012 for all of our achievements in working towards a sustainable future! Well done us!
Click here to read our Eco Code
We would like to let you know what we did to win our Green Flag.
Session 2011-2012
Term 1
- Ink cartridges recycled – 35 sent to CHAS appeal
- Eco committee – 5 new members elected
- Eco Committee to target 3 elements Litter, Waste Minimisation and Energy
- 10 Litter pickers purchased to help with Tidy Friday
- Food Festival organised 21/9
- Morrison’s Lets Grow Vouchers Collection started
- Eco Code Ideas sheet given to all classes for ideas to be recorded on
Term 2
- Batteries 555 recycled
- Bags2school – 80 bags collected Eco committee helped collect and load the van.
- Bulb Planting with TAPIE whole school – bulbs donated by Parent council
- Morrison’s Vouchers Collected and counted with help from Pupil Council 1769 vouchers donated by community. Ordered seeds, buckets, wheel barrow, brooms and 2 potato barrels.
- Ink cartridges 36 sent off to CHAS appeal
- Christmas crafts committee made gifts for friends and family from recycled materials
- Eco Code Ideas collated and 7 most popular ideas created Errol Primary’s Eco Code
- Christmas Recycle created by Waste Minimisation team Given to parents/ guardians and poster put up in community notice boards
Term 3
- Christmas cards recycled
- Additional playground started Eco committee ask for ideas
- Bin Design competition organised by Litter team – 62 entries -4 Winners chosen by Eco committee
- Energy team meet Mr McKenzie to ask him energy related question regarding the school
- Ewgeco Monitor fitted in school. The monitor records energy usage in the school.
- Fruit Trees donated by Carse of Gowrie Orchard Group – planted in school garden by Eco committee
- Eco Code launched at assembly – everyone in the school sign giant Eco code
- Spring Clean Bring and Buy organised by Waste Minimisation team and assisted by Eco committee and Pupil Council – over £520 was raised to buy playground equipment. Pupils from both committees made suggestions – most popular items purchased. Unsold items given to local charity shops.
- Huts made from fallen trees branches after severe weather broke branches in Errol Park.
- Eco Murals designed and painted by pupils at Eco Day June 2011 hung up for all to see.
- Bulbs have all come up pupils enjoyed looking at them
- Rowan Tree planted to mark Diamond Jubilee
- Bin Design – bins started to be painted to be ready for next session
- Potato Competition breakout to grow the heaviest crop win extra playtime
- Litter Pick with TAPIE
- Eco Day – whole day of fun Eco workshops
- Playground Equipment new equipment arrives potato competition winners get to play with it first. All equipment put out for whole school to use during last week of term.
- Tesco Vouchers collected and counted by Committee and pupils. Toy equipment sent off.
- Junior Carsonian meets at Errol Primary.
Session 2012-2013
- New members elected on to committee – 5 pupils joined the committee. Due to the other applicants enthusiasm a new group has been created The Litter Warriors. They meet every Friday to do litter picking in and around the school playground. We have 8 Litter Warriors. New members of Eco and Litter Warriors introduced at assembly.
- Eco committee decided to work on 3 elements Travel, School Grounds and Food and the Environment. We are also working on Litter with the help of the Litter Warriors.
- Eco code – new pupils and staff to sign Eco code sign
- Morrison Let’s Grow Voucher – being collect and counted to buy garden equipment. Eco committee working with Garden Club on this project.
- Blue Lidded Bin Challenge set by Eco committee-every pupil to bring in 1 item that can be recycled in the blue lidded bin. First breakout to achieve this gets an extra playtime. Middle breakout won – P2/3 and P3/4 extra playtime given 5/10.
- Junk modelling club at Golden time – Committee to organise and run the club. We will highlight how recycled items can be used in a useful way.
- Bin designs pupils completed painting their designs. Shown to all classes. Bins to go in playground in term 2
- Signs – paper towel posters, switch lights off signs, open the blind signs have been completed and displayed around the school. Idea created by Eco teams from last session.
- Tesco Vouchers – new play equipment starting to arrive. To go into playground next term when order is complete.
- Energy and Bin monitors now active in all classes.
- New recycling system launched – everyone trying really hard to use the correct bins. Eco committee launched new initiative at assembly.
- Junior Carsonians met at St Madoes
Our Plan for the rest of the session is as follows-
- Whole school Litter pick
- Eco School Green Flag assessment
- Bags2school help Parent Council with collection and loading the van
- Bring and Plant Day Date to follow
- Christmas Fair – Committee to make Eco friendly gifts to sell. Monies raised to fund garden equipment
- Junior Carsonians meeting
- Jubilee trees – the Woodland Trust has donated 60 native trees to the school to celebrate the Queens jubilee. We will integrate them in our school garden. They will be incorporated in new flower beds to be created in conjunction with our Bring and Plant Day.
- Whole school litter pick
- Whole School Challenge
- Junior Carsonians meeting
- Whole School Litter pick
- Junior Carsonians meeting
- Eco Day
The Eco committee is split up into 3 teams; each team meets once a week; each team has created an action plan which includes 5 activities. The actions will involve the whole school in some form. As these events are finalised we will update you.
We always need adult helpers, if you wish to help the Eco committee please contact Mrs Wallace at the school.
We would like to Thank everyone for your continued support, Errol Primary would not be the Eco friendly school it is with out the support the committee receives.
Thank you once again,
Mrs Wallace, the Eco Committee and the Litter Warriors.