(* indicates outside agency involvement)
Healthy Behaviour/Drugs knowledge
Drugs quiz. Groupwork involving scenarios of risky behaviour where pupils have to identify and evaluate risks and consequences.
Case Studies where pupils consider risky situations and their consequences and discuss possible strategies for dealing with them.
Presentation, discussion and group activity with the following learning objectives:
– What kinds of drugs are there?
– What drugs are in our everyday diet?
– How do different drugs affect you?
– Why do people take drugs?
– What is peer pressure? How can we deal with it?
– What is drug misuse?
– How can I tell if a friend might have a problem with drugs?
– How do I keep myself and others safe from drug use?
Pupils are also given an opportunity to take part in a Tobacco and Safe Choices Peer Educator group where they work in a group for 10 weeks, one lunchtime per week, learning the dangers of smoking and developing skills to help educate peer group.