Presentations, discussions and group activity covering the following areas
- Recap on methods of contraception
- How do accidental pregnancies occur?
- How do I protect myself from accidental pregnancy?
- What should I do if I do get pregnant?
- Recap on information about STIs
- How do STIs spread? What is HIV? What is AIDS? How do you get them? Why are they dangerous?
Booklet with exercises which:
– challenge gender stereotypes
– discuss challenging statements
– complete sexual risks quiz
– complete a moral dilemmas, values and attitudes survey prompting whole class discussion
Revisit contraceptive kit; variety of DVDs including “Sex – a Guide for the Young”
*Access to young people’s health nurse on an individual basis, when appropriate
*S3 drama and workshops focusing on different aspects of drugs or sexual health education each year and highlighting the website “Cool 2 Talk”