All posts by Mrs Stewart

Food Technology

This week we have been preparing for our food technology by learning about the need for hygiene when cooking.

We Learned how easily germs can spread by putting our hands in glitter and watching how it spreads – Ellie Ness

We learned about the hygiene rules that we must follow when we are cooking.  For example, making sure long hair is tied back – Hannah Welsh

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We made posters to promote hand washing around the school – Ross Henderson

We learned that germs can sometimes float in the air and we cannot see them.  This means we must always cover our mouth when we cough – Kyran Lester


Merry Christmas Everyone

What a fantastic year we have had so far in Primary Five!

I can’t believe there are only three more sleeps until Christmas!  I am sure you are all very excited and because of all your hardwork and good behaviour, Santa will have lots of nice treats and surprises for you.

Thank you very much for my lovely gifts and I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas!

See you next year!

Christmas Show

We all had a fantastic time performing our Christmas Show and we hope you all enjoyed it too.  We all worked very hard to learn our words and dance routines.

Aiden and Liam did a fantastic job as our Grinch!

Holly and Tegan also shared the true meaning of Christmas with us.


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Primary Five have set up a company to make a craft for the school Christmas Fayre.

We decided to make a reindeer using a bar of soap and a face cloth.

We thought very hard about our company name and Maya suggested ‘Reindeer Rub a Dub Dub’.

Our logo was designed using ideas form everyone.



Our first job was to find the materials.  We used the I-pads to locate what we needed at the best price.

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Once our materials arrived we began to make our reindeer. 

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Aiden and Lucas have carefully placed the soap on the face cloth and folded into a reindeer shape.  This was then secured with an elastic band.


Hannah is busy making antlers out of brown pipe cleaners.


Maya is attaching the antlers to the facecloth.

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Jody is adding on the eyes and nose.


Our lovely reindeer crafts are now made and ready for you to buy at the Christmas Fayre on Saturday 28th November.

See you there!

The Great Barrier Reef

We have been very busy finding out about the animals that live in a coral reef.  Angelfish and Clownfish are two examples of fish that would be found in a coral reef.  Here is some of our art work.

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We have also found out about food chains within a coral reef.


I really liked learning about the animals that live in a coral reef. – Hannah Welsh

I found out that sea grasses and seaweed are called producers and are found at the bottom of the food chain. – Sarah McHugh

I was interested to learn that a puffer fish is a carnivore – Beth Stirling

I found out that an Angelfish is a herbivore.  – Ellie Ness

There are also omnivores that live in a coral reef and I discovered that a sea turtle is an omnivore because it eats the plants and other animals. – Aidyn Ferris

The Great Barrier Reef

We have been learning about the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.  During art we used paint to create a image of the reef.


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I found it difficult to draw the coral reef but it looked really good when it was painted. – Hannah Welsh

The pictures look amazing beacuse of all the different colours of coral that we included. – Mariana Ali

I think the pictures looked very realistic when they were finished because we tried to create shadows and show the distance between objects. – Aidyn Ferris

3D Shape

3D Shape

Primary Five have been very busy this week making 3D shapes using nets.

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I had fun making a pyramid – Aidyn Ferris

It was quite challenging to make a cone – Beth Stirling

I used a net to make a cylinder – Declan Bass

3D Shape

Today Primary Five have been investigating the properties of 3D shapes.


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I enjoyed learning the properties of 3D shapes – Lucas Galloway

Today I leaned about 3D shapes and found a new shape called a hexangonal prism. – Jack Smith

I learned that 3D shapes have different properties and now I can state the properties of most 3D shapes – Emma Kinninmont

Today I learned that a cube and a cuboid have the same properties but have different faces.  A cube has 6 square faces but a cuboid has 2 square faces and 4 rectangular faces, – Jody McKay

Today I learned that there are different types of pyramids.  There is a square based pyramid and a triangular based pyramid. – Ellie Ness

Volcano Eruptions

Primary Five have been using their volcano to create an eruption.

We mixed together vinegar, bicarbonate soda, liquid soap and water to create the eruption. – Faith Arbuthnot

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Please keep checking the blog for some videos.

I enjoyed mixing the substances to see the chemical reaction take place. – Emma Rankine

I liked that the liquid soap made the eruption look  more life like. – Ross Henderson

It was great fun putting all the substances together. – Declan Bass

It was very exciting when it finally erupted! – Beth Stirling