All posts by Mrs Bellamy

Homework 3.06.19

Spelling– Revision of silent letter spelling.


– The Twelfth Floor Kids – Book staying in school- Choose own book for enjoyment to read at home.
– The Cat Who Wanted To Go Home – Chapters 7-8
– The Go-Kart Race – Pages 13-24

School Show Costume

Pupils will be provided with t-shirts. Could children bring in plain black leggings, trousers, jeans or joggers in a bag labelled with their name by Wednesday 12th June. Thank you.


Spelling – Letter pattern mb – when the b is usually silent eg lamb, crumb, climb.


  • The Twelfth Floor Kids – Book staying in school- Choose own book for enjoyment to read at home.
  • The Cat Who Wanted To Go Home – Chapters 5-6
  • The Go-Kart Race – Pages 1-12

Health Day

Today our focus for all our learning was linked to health and wellbeing. We tasted vegetables and recorded our favourites using a frequency table and bar chart. Then we completed a comprehension linked to healthy lifestyles.  Next we talked about feelings and  made a feelings alphabet. In the afternoon we were active with our daily mile, trim trail play and athletics in PE.