All posts by Mrs Bellamy

Homework 9.09.19

Thank you for all the homework that has been sent in already.  Continue to use the homework grid and record learning in your jotter.

This week our sound focus is ways to make the A sound – ay, ai and a_e.


  • The Hen Who Wouldn’t Give Up- chapters 1-2
  • The Pancake – whole book
  • Lost in the Jungle – P18 -32
  • The Rope Swing – whole book


Thank you for all the hard work and effort that went into the ‘All About Me’ presentations. The children really enjoyed sharing them in class this afternoon.

Term one homework went home today with jotters. Complete in any order- some tasks can be done more than once. Record any learning in your jotter and bring to school on  Mondays to be looked at.

This week we are revising the magic e spellings. When e is added to the end of a word it makes the vowel say its letter name.


‘All About Me’ Homework is to be completed for tomorrow.  Children were to prepare a poster to show the class or bring something in to talk to the class about.

Reading Books for this week

  • Bunk-Bed Bus – P21- 44
  • Kipper’s Diary – Whole Book
  • Lost in the Jungle – P 1-17
  • The Chase – Whole Book

Thank you


Today the children were given a special piece of homework from Miss Ferguson to prepare a presentation about themselves to share with the class. They can make/ bring posters, photos, objects  etc as part of their presentation which we are looking forward to seeing and hearing next Tuesday.

Primary three were also given reading books to practise at home.  Books can be read in parts to someone at home or independently. They can also be  used to find words, ask/ answer questions, predict what is happening etc.

In ICT we practised logging into Sumdog – which can be used at home using the same login as last year.

Thank you for your support