All posts by Mrs Bellamy

Home Learning 26.03.20

Morning P3

Here are some number and literacy tasks to work through today.

Mr Green has put up lots of links for other areas of the curriculum on the Woodlands main blog page. Have fun.



Warm Up

  • Topmarks Daily ten  work on addition questions choosing your own level, aspect of addition to focus on and time to complete each question.
  • If you don’t have access online to play make up your own mental addition sums to complete.


Main Task

Copy and complete following sums.


Fun Finisher

Make up your own sums using tens and units.

Careful if digits equal ten or more.



Use hundreds tens and units numbers to create own sums and add.

If you have a calculator on your device you could check your own answers.




Warm Up

  • Choose a fairy tale story that you know well e.g Goldilocks and The Three Bears, Little Red Riding Hood, The Gingerbread Man.
  • If you have the story at home read to yourself or to someone at home.  If you don’t have the book you could look online and read/ listen to the story.


Main Task

  • Retell the story to someone at home in your own words.
  • Draw and write the beginning, middle and end of the story.


  • Think about an alternative ending to the story – rewrite the ending of the story using your own ideas- you could include new characters and setting as well as changing the plot.


Fun Finisher

  • Draw a picture to show what your new ending would look like.
  • Use your toys to act out the ending.



Try rewriting ending as a script instead


Home Learning 25.03.20

Good Morning P3

Here are some number and literacy tasks for today.


Warm Up

  • Count on and back in 10’s, 100’s. You can use different voices or write your numbers down.
  • If you have access to a device you can use the counting stick on this site. If not you could make your own counting stick to help you.

Main Task

Copy and complete the number patterns.

  • 125, 135, 145, ____, ____, ____, ____, 195
  • 248, 258, ____, ____, ____, 298, ____, ____
  • 567, 577, 587, ____, ____, ____, 627, _____
  • 189, ____, ____, _____, _____, 239, 249, _____
  • 200, 300, _____, _____, 600, 700, _____
  • 270, _____, 470, _____, 670, _____, 870
  • 325, 425, ____, _____, 725, 825, ____
  • ____, 511, 611, ____, ____, 911, 1011
  • ____, _____, 399, 499, ____, ____, 799
  • ____, 138, 238, ____, ____, ____, 638



  • Create your own number patterns counting on and back in tens and hundreds. Choose your own starting and ending points. Count aloud or record in your jotter.

Fun Finisher

If you have a timer (on a phone, clock, tv etc) use it to see how far you can count in ten/ hundreds in a minute – you can say your numbers aloud or write them down.  Repeat and see if you can beat your time.




Warm Up

Choose a book to read independently or with someone at home.  If you don’t have a suitable book in the house there are lots of online books you can use.

Some of the sites for free books online – Free registration and login required for some

Oxford owl

The Book Trust

Magic Keys

Kids World Fun

Main Task

Talk about the main events in your book and draw and write;

  • The most important event
  • The most important sentence
  • The most important words


Fun Finisher

Draw the characters and setting of your story.  Label your picture to show what you have drawn.

Home Learning 24.03.20

Morning P3

Hope you are all keeping well and able to complete some of your home learning today.


Warm Up

  • Odds and even numbers – watch this odds and evens number video
  • If you don’t have access to the video – tell someone at home what you know about odd and even numbers.

Main Task

Copy and complete the following

Circle all the odd numbers.

8        1        6        3        12      7        10

4        3        5        14      8        17      9

20      15      10      19      12      11       18


Circle all the even numbers.

8        7        4        15      6        9        10

11       10      12      14      7        1        15

13      17      14      8        5        16      12


Circle the greatest even number.

14      6        11       13

Circle the smallest odd number.

11       12      6        9


Write the odd numbers between

30 and 50

Write the even numbers between

70 and 90


  • Create a poster to show your knowledge and understanding of odd and even numbers.


Fun Finisher

  • Collect socks from around the house.  Sort into pairs how many odd socks and how many even socks (pairs) do you have.
  • Remember to tidy them all away when you are done.



Get someone at home to give you a number – tell them if it is odd or even by looking at the units digit- if it is 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 it is an even number if it is 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 it is an odd number.



Sounds revision magic e

Warm Up

  • Watch magic e song
  • If you don’t have access to the video look at the poster below and talk to someone at home about what magic e does to the vowel sound.


Main Task

Draw a table and record words with each magic e sound


a_e e_e i_e o_e u_e



these bite robe cube


Fun Finisher

Ask an adult at home if you can use chalk, sand, shaving foam, shower steam etc to practise magic e spellings.

P3 Home Learning 23.03.20


Morning P3

I hope you are all doing well. You should all have received a learning pack on Friday and letter from Miss Ferguson.  The following is suggested activities for number and literacy.


Warm Up

  • Practise counting on and back in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s (challenge 4’s and 3’s)
  • Clap, whisper, shout, jump etc as you count.

Main Task

Hundreds Tens and Units (thousands as a challenge).

Can you partition the following numbers.

e.g 367 = 3 hundreds + 6 tens + 7 units

  1. a) 562     b) 983      c) 783        d) 901       e) 653     f) 238       g) 365      h) 129     i) 642      j) 809

Challenge – choose your own numbers to partition try using Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Units.

Fun Finisher

Topmarks – Diennes and Coins – Show the amount

If this game does not work on your device.  Play sumdog maths.



Revision spelling words – went   from    just    it’s    help

Warm Up

Rainbow write your spelling words

Main Task

Try writing a short story using all of your spelling words. Circle each time you use your spelling word as you check over for capitals, full stops etc.

Fun Finisher

Use your common word list or own words to play hangman with someone at home or use this website to play yourself.

Remember you can also use Sumdog spelling at home.