All posts by Mrs Bellamy

Home Learning 27.05.20

Good Morning P3.  It is great to see so many of you using Sumdog and Epic Reading – remember activities for each day can be completed at your own pace and can be changed to suit you or to be made better.  Mr Green also posts on the main blog.  He puts up an assembly once a week and links to other areas that you may find useful.

Here are the tasks for today.


Addition and Take away

Warm Up

  • Topmarks Daily ten

Choose level and time to complete addition or subtraction questions.


Main Task

Code Maths

Copy and complete the following addition and take away sums mentally to crack the code. Each line should give you the name of a different sea creature.


Fun Finisher

Can you make up your own addition or take away sums to spell out a word with the answers.  You could do it for your name or for your own code word.



Revision sounds – silent letters

Warm Up

If you are able watch this sound video to revise silent letters.


Main Task

Copy and complete this table to sort each word by the silent letter it contains.


Can you think of any other words to go in each of the columns?

Fun Finisher

Try writing a sentence using as many silent letter words as you can- it can be silly or sensible.


Home Learning 26.05.20

Good Morning – I hope you all had a fantastic long weekend and are ready for our four day week of learning. Well done to all that took part in the Sumdog competition we finished in 87th place.  A big congratulations to LN who came 13th place due to his accuracy when answering questions.

Rainbow Tuesday Sticker for iOS & Android | GIPHY


Numbers as words

Warm Up

  • Use this word mat to practise your spelling of number words. Choose some numbers and say, cover, write and check.


Main Task

Copy and complete the following numbers as words task  – use the mat above to help with spelling if needed.


Fun Finisher

Find the number words within this wordsearch.

Sorry it is not interactive but you can look for the words and write down the ones you find or take a screenshot of the wordsearch and edit it to mark the words you find.


Create your own wordsearch by writing the numbers as words and then hiding them by filling in other letters around them.



Revision Spelling Words

their   people    Mr   Mrs   looked


Warm Up

Complete these two tasks for each of your spelling words.


Main Task

Alphabet sums

Use your spelling words to create alphabet sums.  Find the number for each of the letters in your spelling words and add together the total for the word.


and  a=1  n=14 d=4   1 + 14 + 4 =19



Choose some other words from your wordlist and repeat the task.


Fun Finisher

Use Sumdog spelling to practise your skills.

Home Learning 21.05.20

Good Morning P3. I hope you’ve all had a good week so far and were able to enjoy some of the sunshine yesterday.  Remember today is our last day before a lovely long weekend. I hope you all have a chance to relax.  The next home learning will be posted on Tuesday 26th May.

Sumdog Reminder

This is the last day of the Sumdog competition- it ends tonight at 8pm.  If you still have questions to answer go on and play.  Well done to everyone who has taken part so far, particularly our Sumdog champions from last week  AT and SA.




Warm Up

  • Watch this video by clicking on the image below to revise what is meant by analogue and digital time.

Main Task

Copy and complete the following time task.

Part one

Part two


Fun Finisher

Play this time game by clicking the image below.




Warm Up

Watch this video exploring the life cycle of a butterfly.


Main Task

Use this template to write out the steps in the life cycle.

Fun Finisher

  • Draw your own pictures for each of the steps of the life cycle.


Creative Writing – complete your own imaginative writing describing what you would do if your could fly like a butterfly.

Home Learning 20.05.20

Good Morning P3

Some people have been very busy on Sumdog – this morning we were 37th in the NLC competition.  I have sent some coins as a reward to those who have been playing this week.


The NLC Sumdog competition is still ongoing – spend some time answering maths questions if you can. The competition finishes at 8pm on Thursday.




Warm Up

Choose level and time to complete addition questions.


Main Task

Copy and complete the following chimney sums.


Fun Finisher

Play this addition game by clicking the image below.






Warm Up

Last week I shared the link for Epic Reading. Some people have already looked at this site.

Use the website (by clicking the image above) or use the app to go to Epic use our class login which is dwt5812.  Choose your name and look at the non-fiction books that I have assigned- they should appear in your mailbox.

Using the Space books I have chosen for you to look at explore by looking at the cover, title, blurb and skim and scan each book

Choose one of the books to read carefully.

Main Task

Use your chosen book to copy and complete this non-fiction fact file.

Fun Finisher

Explore the Epic site – choose some books that you would like to read for enjoyment.  It can be fiction or non fiction.

Think about why you chose the book and whether you enjoyed it.

Tell someone at home about the book you chose or write a short book review in your jotter.

Home Learning 19.05.20

Good Morning P3.

Here are your tasks for today.


Times Tables

Warm Up

  • If you are able to watch this times table video. It explains commutative law for multiplication eg we swap the numbers in the question over and get the same answer.


Main Task

Copy and complete the following times table pages (Draw the books and colour for part one).

Part One

Part Two


Fun Finisher

Play this times table game.

Remember the Sumdog NLC contest is still on – if you have time go on and play some maths games.


Revision phonemes  _se

Warm Up

If you are able to watch these sound videos.



Main Task

Think about the _se words you saw in the video and look at this _se word list.

Choose six of the _se words and use them to make your own sentences.

Fun Finisher

Use your list of _se words or your own _se words.  Play charades with someone at home.  Act out the word without saying anything – see if others can guess your word.

Home Learning 18.05.20

Good Morning P3.  I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for another week of home learning.


Problem Solving Addition

Warm Up

Watch this video about problem solving.


Challenge – Complete these addition triangles to show four number facts – the first one is done for you.


Main Task

Copy and complete the following problem solving addition to 100 calculations.

Explore adding two, three and four number to equal 20.


Add the two numbers above to work out the missing number.


Follow each step to find the total – use a calculator to check.


Fun Finisher

Create your own addition problem for someone at home to solve.

eg Start with 10, add on 5, double it, add 30 = 60


Remember the NLC Sumdog competition is still ongoing.

If you can go into Sumdog to practise your maths skills and take part in the competition.  Remember accuracy is more important than the number of questions you complete.



Revision Spelling Words

little   one   when   out   what


Warm Up

Choose one of the activities below to use to practise your words.

Main Task

Ransom words

If you can – make each of your words by cutting letters from newspapers/ magazines.  Ask an adult before starting this task.

If you don’t have magazines etc you could draw each of your words to make it look like each letter has come from a different place.


Complete the task for any of your other common words.

Fun Finisher

Look in books, magazines, online – how many of each of your words can you find.



Home Learning 15.05.20

Good Morning P3.  It is Friday, I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.

Here are your tasks for today.



Warm Up

  • Watch these videos to revise your knowledge of halves.



Main Task

Copy and complete the following fractions task. Remember to be a half the shape has to be split into two equal parts.

Part One

Part Two


Can you draw some shapes of your own and draw a  line to split them or colour them to show two equal halves.


Fun Finisher

At 8am this morning a new North Lanarkshire Sumdog competition began.  All you have to do to join the contest is play Sumdog Maths.  There is a maximum of 1000 questions for each student so accuracy is more important than time spent playing.  The contest continues until 8pm on 21 May, so if you can keep playing over this time you will see how many questions you have on your Sumdog screen. Good Luck.



Warm Up

If you are able to play this game – Karate Cats – which lets you practise your literacy skills – you will unlock levels as you complete questions accurately.  See how you get on.


Main Task

Copy and complete the following cloze text. Filling in the missing words.  Check to make sure your answers make sense.


Fun Finisher

If you can, try to find out five more facts about Giraffes.  You can use your own knowledge, ask someone at home, look in books or use the internet.  Record these in your jotter and add drawings to help explain your facts.

Home Learning 14.05.20

Good Morning P3 I hope you are all well. 

Here are your tasks for today.



Warm Up

  • Watch this videos to revise the volume and capacity.


Main Task

Copy and complete the following measure task.

Part One

Part Two


Fun Finisher

Look around the house for any containers.  Take a closer look and see if you can spot any measurements on them.   You might find these on labels for food, drink, toiletries etc. Be careful and ask before you go looking.

Draw and label what you found on your hunt.



Alphabetical Order

Warm Up

If you are able to, watch this alphabetical order video by clicking the image below.

Complete the quiz below the video to practise your alphabetical order.

Main Task

Copy and complete the following fruit alphabetical order task.


Fun Finisher

Now try to think of a fruit or vegetable that starts with each letter of the alphabet.  How many can you think of?

Fruit and Vegetable word Hunt

Health and Wellbeing

Everybody Worries by Jon Burgerman is a free ebook that explores feelings that people might be experiencing at the moment.  Take a look inside and try some of the techniques suggested eg talk to each other, draw your worries and give them a name, breathing techniques, exercise and sleep etc.


Home Learning 13.05.20

Good Morning P3.  Here are your number and literacy tasks for today.



Warm Up

  • Watch these videos to revise the days of the week and months of the year.


  • Practise writing your days of the week and months of the year.  Use the videos to check your spelling and remember capital letters.


Main Task

Copy and complete the following time task.

Part One

Part Two


Fun Finisher

Complete this online months of the year wordsearch.



Make your own days of the week or months of the year wordsearch.



Revision phonemes – tch

Warm Up

If you are able watch this sound videos.


Main Task

Find and write down the tch words in this ‘Spotter Story’.


Memory game – hide your words and see how many tch words you can remember.  Can you add any new words to the list.


Fun Finisher


Anagrams are words with their letters muddled up can you rearrange these letters to make tch words.

1 – twcah     2 – cfhet     3 – ictknhe    4- hmtac

5 – hitwc      6 – tcsarhc   7- hitc     8 – atpch

Home Learning 12.05.20

Good Morning – I hope you all had an enjoyable long weekend.

Here are your tasks for today – as always complete what you are able to do and adapt any of the tasks to make them suit you better.


Information Handling

Warm Up

Watch this BBC Bitesize video by clicking on the image below.  It revises what data handling is and how to interpret information.

Challenge – Can you think of some good questions to ask people in your house to find information.

Main Task

Copy and complete the following information handling task.

Fun Finisher

Explore this topmarks game using data handling skills by clicking the image below.



Revision Spelling Words

do  some  come  were  there


Warm Up

  • Choose one of the activities from the card below to complete with your spelling words.


Try a different activity.


Main Task


Use this handwriting example to copy and practise each of your letters, numbers and punctuation.


Write each of your words three times using your best handwriting think about the size, shape and position of each word.








Put each of your words into a sentence and continue to think about your handwriting as you write your sentences.


Fun Finisher

Play Sumdog Spelling for 15 minutes.



Epic Books which is an online site and app is currently offering free access to a wide range of books for kids. If you are able to get access to this site or download the app then  try  exploring the selection of books available.

or download the app