All posts by Mrs Bellamy

Welcome Back

Welcome back I hope you all had a fantastic October break.

Reminders for this term

  • Homework will be posted on teams every Monday and reading books allocated on Active Learn using Bug Club.
  • PE – outdoor PE will be on Tuesday (weather allowing) and hall PE (Yoga) will be on Wednesday.  On these days children can wear trainers, leggings or joggers (plain colours) but they must have school t-shirts/ polo shirts.
  • Parents Night will be next week and will be a phone call (no caller ID) you will be contacted with the day and rough time for the phone call.
  • Halloween – Friday 30th October children can come to school dressed in Halloween costume. We will have Halloween activities in class.


Today the children  were given logins for Teams where the homework for the class will be posted every Monday.

This will consist of literacy, numeracy and one other area.

The class were shown by Mr Green how to use teams last week in the hall.

Group reading  books have been allocated on Active Learn.

Scottish Maths Week

This week is Maths Week Scotland.  Sumdog are running a maths competition until Thurday – for homework this week please try to login and play Sumdog Maths at home.

Please note as this is a shorter week we are not doing a shared text however reading will continue as normal in class.  I will allocate a new reading book next week using Bug Club.

A Busy Day

This morning we made flags to wave as we enjoyed walking our mile around the school for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Then we had a fantastic afternoon enjoying our Cool Class Cup treat of a movie and a treat.