Home Learning 23.06.20

Good Morning P3 – I hope you all enjoyed the NLC Virtual Sports Day yesterday.

Today is International Olympic Day so today all our  tasks will be Olympic themed.

International Olympic Day, 23 June, held on the birthday of the modern Olympic Movement, International Olympic Day is a chance for people all over the world to get active and explore the Games together.

Warm Up

Watch this video and read along to the information about the Olympics Games.

The Olympics has many countries from all over the world participating. Every four years a different country hosts the Summer Olympics, unfortunately this years Olympics in Tokyo had to be postponed, but will hopefully go ahead next year.

Choose a host or participating country from the Summer or Winter Olympics to research.  Copy and complete the fact file below.

Main Task

Mini Olympics


Use your own knowledge or google maps to choose some key features in Cumbernauld.


Did you know in 2012 the Olympic torch came to Cumbernauld.

Main Event

Cool Down

Fun Finisher

The Olympic rings

Watch this video and follow along to draw the Olympic rings.

The Olympic rings are an important symbol as they represent  the five continents of the world united together.




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