Home Learning 24.03.20

Morning P3

Hope you are all keeping well and able to complete some of your home learning today.


Warm Up

  • Odds and even numbers – watch this odds and evens number video
  • If you don’t have access to the video – tell someone at home what you know about odd and even numbers.

Main Task

Copy and complete the following

Circle all the odd numbers.

8        1        6        3        12      7        10

4        3        5        14      8        17      9

20      15      10      19      12      11       18


Circle all the even numbers.

8        7        4        15      6        9        10

11       10      12      14      7        1        15

13      17      14      8        5        16      12


Circle the greatest even number.

14      6        11       13

Circle the smallest odd number.

11       12      6        9


Write the odd numbers between

30 and 50

Write the even numbers between

70 and 90


  • Create a poster to show your knowledge and understanding of odd and even numbers.


Fun Finisher

  • Collect socks from around the house.  Sort into pairs how many odd socks and how many even socks (pairs) do you have.
  • Remember to tidy them all away when you are done.



Get someone at home to give you a number – tell them if it is odd or even by looking at the units digit- if it is 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 it is an even number if it is 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 it is an odd number.



Sounds revision magic e

Warm Up

  • Watch magic e song
  • If you don’t have access to the video look at the poster below and talk to someone at home about what magic e does to the vowel sound.


Main Task

Draw a table and record words with each magic e sound


a_e e_e i_e o_e u_e



these bite robe cube


Fun Finisher

Ask an adult at home if you can use chalk, sand, shaving foam, shower steam etc to practise magic e spellings.

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