Home Learning 8.06.20

Good Morning and Happy Birthday to JL – I hope you have a fantastic day.

Remember the Sumdog maths competition is still ongoing.  Keep working on your accuracy as you answer questions.


Greater than and Less than

Warm Up

Watch these greater than and less than videos outlining the symbols for equal, greater than and less than.


Click on watch this video on you tube to watch


Main Task

Copy and complete the greater than and less than task.

Fun Finisher

Explore number sentences by watching the video and completing the tasks below.



Warm Up

  • Watch this video to practise high frequency words
  • Watch first with sound on to listen to words and watch again with sound off and say the words as they appear on the screen.


Main Task

Revision Spelling Words

must  how  would  also  more

Roll and Spell

Use a dice (if you don’t have one at home you can get dice online).  Roll the dice for each word and complete the task that the number on your dice shows.

Fun Finisher

Play Sumdog Spelling for 15 minutes.

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