Home Learning 26.05.20

Good Morning – I hope you all had a fantastic long weekend and are ready for our four day week of learning. Well done to all that took part in the Sumdog competition we finished in 87th place.  A big congratulations to LN who came 13th place due to his accuracy when answering questions.

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Numbers as words

Warm Up

  • Use this word mat to practise your spelling of number words. Choose some numbers and say, cover, write and check.


Main Task

Copy and complete the following numbers as words task  – use the mat above to help with spelling if needed.


Fun Finisher

Find the number words within this wordsearch.

Sorry it is not interactive but you can look for the words and write down the ones you find or take a screenshot of the wordsearch and edit it to mark the words you find.


Create your own wordsearch by writing the numbers as words and then hiding them by filling in other letters around them.



Revision Spelling Words

their   people    Mr   Mrs   looked


Warm Up

Complete these two tasks for each of your spelling words.


Main Task

Alphabet sums

Use your spelling words to create alphabet sums.  Find the number for each of the letters in your spelling words and add together the total for the word.


and  a=1  n=14 d=4   1 + 14 + 4 =19



Choose some other words from your wordlist and repeat the task.


Fun Finisher

Use Sumdog spelling to practise your skills.

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