Home Learning 21.05.20

Good Morning P3. I hope you’ve all had a good week so far and were able to enjoy some of the sunshine yesterday.  Remember today is our last day before a lovely long weekend. I hope you all have a chance to relax.  The next home learning will be posted on Tuesday 26th May.

Sumdog Reminder

This is the last day of the Sumdog competition- it ends tonight at 8pm.  If you still have questions to answer go on and play.  Well done to everyone who has taken part so far, particularly our Sumdog champions from last week  AT and SA.




Warm Up

  • Watch this video by clicking on the image below to revise what is meant by analogue and digital time.

Main Task

Copy and complete the following time task.

Part one

Part two


Fun Finisher

Play this time game by clicking the image below.




Warm Up

Watch this video exploring the life cycle of a butterfly.


Main Task

Use this template to write out the steps in the life cycle.

Fun Finisher

  • Draw your own pictures for each of the steps of the life cycle.


Creative Writing – complete your own imaginative writing describing what you would do if your could fly like a butterfly.

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