Home Learning 4.05.20

Good Morning P3.  I hope you all had a lovely weekend.



Warm Up

Daily Ten addition

Choose your own level and what area of addition you want to work on.  Set the timer at a speed that suits you or give yourself more time by moving questions on manually.


  • Move up a level or try another area of addition to complete questions from.
  • Think about some of the strategies you used to complete your sums.


Main Task

Copy and complete the following addition sums.

Remember you can use a 100 square to help you with your addition.


Fun Finisher

Practise your maths skills playing Sumdog maths for 15 mins.


Revision Spelling Words

put  said  have  like  so


Warm Up 

  • Choose one of the activities from the card below to complete with your spelling words.


Try a different activity.


Main Task

Use all of your words to write a short story.  Use a colour or underline each time you use one of your spelling words.  Have you managed to use any more than once?


Fun Finisher

Look at the images showing how to use sign language for each letter of the alphabet.  Try spelling each of your words using the images to help you.



Sign a word for someone at home – see if they can work out which of your spelling words you are signing.

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