Children in Need

Reminder tomorrow is Children in Need.  We have been learning in class about the charity and who it helps.

Children can come to school wearing something spotty or yellow – they can pay a £1 donation  for not wearing their uniform. All money raised goes to Children in Need.

Sumdog Maths Contest

We were  using Sumdog to work on our maths skills in ICT today. This week is Sumdog’s Maths Contest so we were trying hard to get as many accurate answers as possible. If possible remember to play Sumdog at home to help our class position on the leaderboard.



The Boy Who (Nearly) Had Everything – ch 7,8,9

The Dump – Pages 16-32

What a Bad Dog – whole book


Spelling – words with y making the I sound e.g cry, my, try.

Sumdog – this week is North Lanarkshire Maths Contest.  If you can play and aim for accuracy.

Homework 4.11.19


  • The Dump – pages 1-15
  • The Boy who (nearly) had everything – Chapters 4, 5, 6
  • Kipper’s Balloon – whole book


Words with igh letter pattern e.g light, night, highlighter.

Fairtrade Homework Competition

The Fairtade committee are going to focus on specific Fairtrade products throughout the year this  year and are starting with cotton.

They are running a  competition to design a Fairtrade T-Shirt, the winning entry will be made into a real t shirt to be worn for Fairtrade activities and during Fairtrade Fortnight.

A template for the T-shirt competition has gone home today.


Today we had a first listen to our P3 songs for the Nativity.   Children from P3-7 can audition for parts in the Nativity.  Children who wanted to try auditioning have got scripts home today to learn for next week.