Friday Maths Lesson

Friday’s Mixture of Maths

Today is the day that we practise all the different things we have learned so far in numeracy.

Warm Up:

  • Click on this link and play Hit the Button! Choose ‘number bonds’ or ‘doubles’.
  • Watch this subatize video:

Main Activity:

  • Copy and complete these maths sums in your jotter.
  • Look for the Primary 1 and Primary 2 sums.
  • Don’t be caught out by and + sums!

Primary 1

Primary 2

·       Double 3  =
·       Double 9 =
·       3 + 8 =
·       3 + 28 =
·       9 2 =
·       11 – 5 =
·       11 + ? = 13
·       91 + ? = 94
·       4 + 6 =
·       40 + 10 =
·       2 more than 16 =
·       10 more than 70 =
Copy these numbers and fill in the blanks:
  • 11 __   __ 14 __
  • 10  9 __ 7 __   5 __
  • 7 __ 9 __ __ 12 __
  • 20  19 __   __ 16 _
Split these numbers into tens and units:
  • 15 = 1 ten and 5 units
  • 43
  • 88
  • 96
·       1 1 =
·       19 ? = 17
Write down the number before and after:
  • ____     7   ____
  • ____     11   ____
  • ____     4   ____
  • ____     20   ____
Write down the number before and after:
  • ____     17 ____
  • ____     49  ____
  • ____     31  ____
  • ____     25   ____
·       Copy and complete:
2  4 __ 8  __  12 __  __ 18  20
·       Copy and complete:
2   __   6  __   __ 12  ___  ___ 18 ___

Extra Challenge:

  • Can you be the teacher and make up your own maths sums to challenge someone? Remember and mark their work afterwards!

Game to Support Learning:

  • Log into your account and play Sumdog for 10 minutes.

Thursday Literacy Lesson

Reading Thursday

Warm Up:

  • Play Tell a T-Rex to practise your reading – click on CVC or challenge yourself to CCVC.
  • Try this super website Oxford Owl – it will give you access to lots of age appropriate  books which are designed to help you read at your level. You can filter by age or level at the top. I have set up an account for our class:
    Click on ‘my class login’ at the top.
    Username:     woodlandsreading
                              Password:     pupil
    Oxford University Press – tagged "oxford-reading-tree-traditional ...

    Main Task:

Primary 1

  • Read the short story below about Cat and then answer the questions.  You can answer the questions by talking to someone at home or you can write your answers in your jotter.
  • Remember, to try and answer in a full sentence with a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop.  Not just with one word. So for question number 1 your answer would start:-
The cat is sat on the ______  .


Primary 2

  • Read the short story below about Burt and then answer the questions in your jotter.
  • Remember, to write your answer in a full sentence with a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop.  Not just with one word. So for question number 1 your answer would start:-
Burt went surfing on _________  .

Extra Challenge:

  • Can you find any rhyming words in the story?
  • Make up your own question about the story for someone else to answer!
Remember to keep practising reading your common words from the Primary 1 and Primary 2 word walls.
Primary 1

Primary 2

Thursday Maths Lesson

 Topic Thursday – Position and Movement

Today we will be learning about the position of something compared to something else and learn about the language we use to describe where we, or things, are.

Warm Up:

  • Watch this clip on BBC Bitesize about the different words we use to describe the position of things – click here
  • Watch the video below all about position

Main Task:

Look at the pictures in the grid below and the answer the questions.

  • For question 1 draw the picture in your jotter.
  • For question 2  write the sentence, adding in the missing position words.

Extra Challenge:

  • Play this tricky game to test your positional language – can you complete all 9 rounds?

Preposition Game for p1/2

Extra Extra Challenge

  • For the extra extra challenge you will need:
a toy            a table                 a box    
  • Carry out each instruction in the table below to make sure teddy is in the correct position:
Put the toy on the table.
Put the toy under the table.
Put the toy beside the table.
Put the toy behind the table.
Put the toy in the box.
Put the toy between the box and the table.
  • Can you use the positional language you’ve learned to make up some more instructions for someone?


Wednesday Literacy Lesson

Rhyming Wednesday

Today our literacy work is all about rhyming. Remember – words that rhyme have the same sound at the end.

Warm Up:

  • Watch these rhyming videos and play along

Main Activity:

  • Look at the worksheet below. Pick the two words that rhyme in each row and write them in your jotter.
  • If you can, try and come up with another word that rhyme too.

Rhyming Words Match |

  • Watch and listen to this rhyming story or choose a rhyming story you have at home (the Julia Donaldson books usually rhyme).
  • Can you hear/find any rhyming words? 

Extra Challenge:

  • Try and make up your own rhyming phrases for a witches cauldron like my example below:
In my cauldron I put:
a bag of nails and some French snails.
twenty socks and some big rocks.

Game to Support Learning:

  • Have a go at playing this shark rhyming game Shark Rhyme
  • Play along with Jack Hartman in this video below

Wednesday Maths Lesson

Subtraction Wednesday

Warm Up:

  • Can you remember any of the different words that mean the same as subtraction?
  • Watch this video to practise reading and spelling your numbers. You could try and write them down if you would like to.

Main Task:

  • Write down your subtraction sums in your jotter and then answer them.
  • Remember to put the big number in your pocket and count back the small number using your fingers, or use a number line, to help you.
Primary 1
Primary 2

 0 =

24 10 =

2 =

14  2 =

 4 3 =

19  3 =

 8 =

10 – 10 =

 3 =

14 – 5 =

 1 =

11  0 =

3 =

 4 =

 2 =

45  10 =

Extra Challenge: 
  • Can you make up your own subtraction sums for someone else to answer?
  • Remember to be the teacher and mark their work afterwards!
Game to Support Learning:

Tuesday Literacy Lesson

Writing Tuesday

Morning p1/2. Happy Tuesday to you all. Here are today’s lessons for you to have a go at…..

Warm up:

  • This was one of our favourite games in class – try and beat our class score of 18….Help a Hedgehog to Read. Click on CVC or challenge yourself by choosing CVCC/CCVC
  • Write out the alphabet using lowercase or uppercase letters. Remember to make sure you are forming your letters correctly; think about tall, small and fall letters.
 Letter Formation Alphabet Handwriting Sheet Uppercase and ...

Main Task:

  • Miss Donald came up with a fun idea this week; she suggested we write a story about a photograph from my Dad’s farm. Here is a photo I shared with you the other day – remember this sheep had triplets and had to come into the shed to give extra milk to her lambs. Jim the Sheepdog helped bring her in.

  • Here are some ideas for your story:
Describe the lambs
What are they doing?
What is the weather like?
How do you think they are feeling?
Where are they?
What can you see?
  • Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
  • Try to include a joining word (and, so, but, because) to join two sentences together.
  • Can you use any describing words to add extra detail to your story?

Extra Challenge:

  • Draw a picture to go along with your story.


Tuesday Maths Lesson

Addition Tuesday

Today is our day to practise addition.

Warm Up:

  • Practise your addition playing Hit the Button
  • Write down your numbers as far as you can – you can try and count up in 1’s, 2’s, 5’s or 10’s. Who can reach the highest number?

Main Task:

  • In class we learned our number stories to 10.
  • Remember a ‘number story’ includes all the different ways to make a number e.g. here are the number stories of 2 and 3:

Number Story Book Posters (SB3993) - SparkleBoxNumber Story Book Posters (SB3993) - SparkleBox

  • To remind you of your number stories, click on this link: Number Stories and it should go through each number story one after the next. If the link doesn’t work then type ‘number pairs’ into YouTube.
  • In your jotter, or on a piece of paper, can you write down the number stories for numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Write down all the different ways to make each number, just like in the examples above.
  • You can make you number stories colourful, or make them like a poster, if you wish.
  • Do you remember the pattern we worked out in class? There are 2 ways to make 1, 3 ways to make 2, 4 ways to make 3, 5 ways to make 4 etc.

Extra Challenge:

  • Can you write down the number stories for numbers bigger than 10?

Game to Support Learning:

  • Play Sumdog for 10 minutes – Mr Green is awarding Sumdog champions. Well done to MS for being a Sumdog Champion last Friday!

Monday Literacy Lesson

Good morning p1/2! It’s Monday again. I hope you all had a nice weekend and are ready for the week ahead. I put on some photos of the baby lambs for you to have a look at – they are getting quite mischievous now and keep coming into the garden! Here are todays online lessons – remember just to try your best and do what you can. I can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to.

Phonics Monday

Today we are going to be doing some revision on our digraph sh.

Warm up:

  • Can you read these words with the digraphs ch th wh?







  • Watch these two YouTube clips all about sh:

Main Task

  • In your jotter write some sh words. Sh can be at beginning, middle or the end of the word.
  • Write a sentence with a sh word in it. Remember a capital letter, full stop and finger spaces in your sentence.
  • Draw a picture to illustrate your sh sentence.
  • Try and set it out in your jotter like this:
sh words:

__________________________                                                 __________________________

__________________________                                                 __________________________

__________________________                                                __________________________

sh sentences:



sh picture:

Extra Challenge:

  • Can you make a Spring ‘sh’ flower like the one below?

Consonant Digraph Garden | Consonant digraphs, Phonics activities ...

Game to support Learning:

  • Practise your digraphs playing this Digraph Planet Game
  • Practise your blending with the game below. Challenge yourself by clicking on the ‘Phase 3 sounds’.

Monday Maths Lesson

Monday’s Maths

Why was the number 6 scared of 7?……because 7, 8, 9!

Warm Up:

  • Count in 2’s and 10’s:

Counting In 2's - Lessons - Tes TeachCounting By 10's Posters & Worksheets | Teachers Pay Teachers

  • Try counting up in 5’s. Use the videos below to count along to and help you. Can you spot a pattern?

Main Activity:

  • Today we are going to learn how to spell our numbers. Have a look at the poster below:

Numerals, Dots and Names: 1 - 10 (Eng) | Number words chart ...

  • Watch this video to help you learn the words:

  • Can you match the numbers to their spellings?

Numbers 1-10 - English ESL Worksheets for distance learning and ...Extra Challenge:

  • Can you make your own poster (like the one above) to teach someone about how to read/spell their numbers to 10?

Game to Support Learning:

Spring Lambs

Hi p1/2,
I thought I would come on and share photos of some of the lambs that have been born on my Dad’s farm. He reckons that there have been about 800 born so far. Because it is a hill farm, all the lambs are born outside – thank goodness for the sun this year!
Jim, the sheepdog, has been working hard each day and is very tired – he keeps falling asleep on the quad bike and my Dad has to wake him up to do his work…it is very funny!

Most of the sheep have 1 or 2 lambs but this sheep below had triplets! Dad had to bring her into the shed from the field to give the lambs some extra milk because their mum didn’t have enough to feed all 3 of them.

Sometimes, when the sheep are so kind and are really close to having their lamb, they try and take another sheeps lamb. When my Dad went into the field, the lamb below had 2 mums! My dad had to work out who the real Mum was and put her in the pen for a few hours with her lamb so they could form a bond.

This wee lamb below is only a few minutes old. The sheep is licking her lamb up and bleating to it the whole time. The Mum and her lamb recognise each other from their smell and the sound of their bleat. After a few minutes the lamb will get up and have a drink of milk. The sheep is having twins so it won’t be long until she has another one.

The 2 lambs in the photo below weren’t able to find their Mums milk so were looking a bit hungry. My Dad caught the sheep with his crook (and help from Jim the Sheepdog) and helped them get a drink of milk. He had to turn the sheep over onto her back. When he went back out to the field later that day, the lambs had managed to get the milk on their own.

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