Jack Hartmann again! Watch his 2D shape video and name the shapes:
Watch this Jack Hartmann video about 3D shapes:
Main Task:
Look at the 2 worksheets below and talk to someone about the answers – of you would like to, you can write the answers in your jotter.
Can you talk about the properties of these 2D shapes? That means what is it about the shape that makes it that shape. How many corners/vertices does each one have? How many sides/edges does each one have?
Extra Challenge:
Can you talk about the properties of these 3D shapes? That means what makes them this shape? How many faces does each one have? How many corners/vertices does each one have? How many edges does each one have?
So a cylinder has 3 faces (2 flat and 1 curved face) and 2 edges, but 0 corners (or vertices)
(If you are able to, you could try and find objects in your house that are these shapes, as it is hard to tell properly from just a picture)
Games to Support Learning:
Click on the pictures below and have a go at playing the shape games
Today we are going to do some dictated sentences – we used to do them in the morning to warm up our brain 🧠. Miss Murray would read out a sentence and you had to write the sentence on your whiteboards – do you remember?
Just like in class – have a go and try your best!
Warm Up:
Warm up your brain by reading these words on the video – can you read them before the man on the video says them?
Main Activity:
For this activity you will need to ask nicely for an adult or a brother or sister to help you. Ask them to please read out the sentences below and then you write them down in your jotter
When your helper is reading the sentences, ask them to please read them slowly and read them a few times so you remember them
Remember a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop. Try and write in your neatest handwriting with small, tall and fall letters.
Read your sentences back after you have finished to make sure you haven’t missed any words.
Dictated Sentences
1. He has a big, red car.
2. My pet crab sits on the rug.
3. She had fish and chips for lunch.
4. This pond is not deep for the frog.
5. I went to the shop with my dog.
6. I hurt my foot in the park.
7. The sheep went to church with the farmer.
8. Three is not a big number.
9. The shark has lots of sharp teeth.
10. The man needed a stamp for his box.
Extra Challenge:
Why not draw your own illustrations to match your sentences.
Can you make up some dictated sentences for someone in your house? Remember to mark their work afterwards and make sure their sentences are correct!
Game to Support Learning:
Click on the picture below and have a go at ordering sentences with Writing Runway
Today we are going to be revising our doubles and near doubles. Remember, if we know our double facts then it helps us with our near doubles.
Warm Up:
Let’s start with our favourite doubles video:
Watch this video to help you practise your near doubles
Main Task:
Copy and complete these double and near double sums in your jotter.
Extra Challenge:
Can you be the teacher an teach someone in your house, or a teddy bear, how to do near doubles? Why don’t you try and write some near double sums down for them to try
If you would like to, you could make a poster (like the one below) to teach someone how to do double and near double sums
I hope you have all had a nice weekend and are ready for another week of Home Learning – you are all doing brilliantly 👍🏽!
Well done to MJS for being one of Mr Green’s Sumdog champions last week – what a super achievement 🏆.
Phonics Monday
Today we are going to learn about the digraph ‘ck‘.
Warm Up:
Can you find any ck words in your house or outside?
Watch these clips to learn all about ‘ck‘
Main Activity:
Read this ck story. How many ck words can you find in the story?
Read these ck words on the poster below
Choose a ckword and write a sentence with it – maybe you will be able to write more than one ck word in your sentence e.g. The chicken had a black spot on its neck.
If you would like to, draw a picture to illustrate yourck sentences
Extra Challenge:
Can you be a text detective and find any of the ck words in the word search?
Game to Support Learning:
Play this game to practise your digraphs – Tell a T-Rex
Today we are going to practise lots of different maths skills🧠 .
Warm Up:
Can you…..
Count from 0 to 100?
Count to 100 in 10’s?
Count to 100 in 5’s?
Count to 20 in 2’s?
Here are some videos to help you…
This one is a funny one 😁….
Main Activity:
Answer these maths questions – you can write the answer in your jotter or work with an adult and just say the answer out loud.
Primary 1
Primary 2
___, 12, 13 ___, 15. ___
___, 30, 31 ___, 33. ___
5 + 5 =
6+ 5 =
1 + 2 + 1 =
2+ 2 + 5 =
10, 20, 30 ___ 50 ___
40, ___, 60 ___ 80 ___
6 – 2 =
20– 2 =
7 + ___ = 9
18 + ___ = 20
5 – ___ = 4
6– ___ = 2
4 + 9 =
88+ 1 =
20, __, 19, ___17, 16
45, ___, 43, ___, 41 ___
10 + 10 =
30+ 10 =
Extra Challenge:
Can you make up your own mental maths questions for someone to answer? Remember to be the teacher and mark their work afterwards! How many of your questions can they get right?
We’ve made it to another Friday – well done us 😃! I am still missing you all lots. Well done to everyone who has been reading on Epic – our class has read over 50 books and we were awarded another badge on our ‘Readerpillar’ 🏆📚
Here are the last of the weeks Home Learning activities….give them a go and try your best. Have a lovely weekend ✨.
Rhyming Friday
Today we are going to do somerhymingwork. Remember words rhyme when they have the same sound at the end e.g. dog, log, jog
Warm Up:
Watch the video and join in – can you spot the words that rhyme and the words that don’t rhyme? Have fun playing along!
Main Activity:
Write down a word that rhymes with each of the words on the sheet – you can draw a picture to go along with your rhyming word.
If you can, try and come up with other words that rhyme too.
Find the pairs of rhyming words in the sheet below – you don’t need to write the words down, just match them by talking about them
Extra Challenge:
Listen to this funny rhyming story – how many rhyming words can you hear? There are lots and lots!
What is your favourite rhyme you heard in the story? I like ‘puffins sit on muffins‘ best.
You could also play this game as a family: One person starts with a word and then each person has to say a word that rhymes with it. So the 1st person might say cat, the next person bat, the next sat etc. until you can’t think of any more rhyming words!
Today we are going to do some work on our reading.
Warm Up:
Read your Primary 1 and Primary 2 common words (I will put them at the end of this post incase you don’t have them at home). Time yourself and see how quickly you can read them!
Click on the link and play one of our favourite games from class –Help a Hedgehog to Read. How many words can you read before the time is up? I remember when we were working together in class we managed to read 18 words and SPH managed to read over 50 words on his own!
Main Task:
We are going to complete a book review. A book review helps other people decide if they would like to read a book. You tell other people how much you liked the book and why you liked it.