We need money so we can pay for things. Can you think of any things you have bought using money?
There are lots of different ways we can pay for items. We can use coins, notes or a credit/debit card. Look at these coins…
Warm Up:
Go on a coin hunt! Look around the house to see if you can find any coins. Ask a grown up to help you. When you have finished talk about the coins you have found 💰
Put your coins in order, starting with the smallest VALUE (not the smallest size). Can you add any of the coins together?
Watch this short sing along video that tells us about the coins 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p
Main Activity:
Play this money game to practise using coins – Coin Game
Have a look at the money jars below. Can you work out how much money is in each jar? If you have any coins at home you can use these to lay out the amounts shown on the sheet
Extra Challenge
Can you use coins to put the correct amount of money in each jar below – remember there might be more than one way to make the amount
You could draw around any coins you have at home to show the amount or just write down the value of the coins
I hope you had a nice time over the holiday weekend. Here are today’s activities for you to try.
Writing Tuesday
Today we are going to be writing sentences about a picture. I remember you were so good at this in class.
Warm up:
Play this game to help you practice writing sentences. Click on ‘Phase 3’:Writing Runway
Watch this video about sentence writing:
Main Activity:
Look at the picture below. Talk about it with someone at home. Think about these questions:
Who is in the story?
What day is it? Is it the holidays?
What are they doing?
Where are they?
What are they wearing?
Why are they outside?
Write about the picture using sentences. Say your sentences out loud before you write them.
Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
Write your letters neatly and remember to keep reading your sentence back to make sure it makes sense and you haven’t missed any words.
The Rainy DayHere are some words you could use in your story:
Extra Challenge:
Can you include a joining word – and, but, so or because – to join two sentences together?
Can you use any describing words to add extra detail to your story e.g.red boots, dark clouds.
Epic Reading:
As well as the Oxford Owl login I gave you last week, for online reading books, I have created a class login for another online reading site called EPIC!
Good morning p1/2. I hope you all managed to get outside and have some fun in the sun yesterday 😃 . Tomorrow and Monday are holidays so……NO SCHOOL BLOG on Friday and Monday!
Look where I was this week……our class potatoes are looking brilliant! I gave them some water and made sure there was enough soil. Do you remember when our potatoes will be ready to harvest? …..June!
Mrs McMillan has made a great YouTube channel with lots of techniques to help us all relax and stay calm if we are feeling a bit worried – here’s the link if you would like to take a look. Mrs McMillan – Take a Moment
Reading Thursday
Warm Up:
Watch this video to learn about the 6 important questions to think about when we are reading or writing a story
Choose A Book:
Go ontoOxford Owland choose a book to read with someone at home.
Remember to click on ‘my class login‘ and enterwoodlandsreading into the username and pupil into the password box.
Talk about the story using the 6 questions:
Main Activity:
Primary 1
Read the short story below about Tess and then answer the questions. You can answer the questions by talking to someone at home or you can write your answers in your jotter.
Remember to try and answer in a full sentence with a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop. Not just with one word. So for question number 1 your answer would start:-
Tess has a _______ ________ ________ .
Primary 2
Read the short story below and then answer the questions in your jotter.
Remember to write your answer in a full sentence with a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop. Not just with one word. So for question number 1 your answer would start:-
The class are ______ _______ .
Extra Challenge:
Pick a part of the story and make up your own illustration to go along with the story.
What do you think might have happened next in the story? If you would like to, write or draw what you think might happen next.
Remember to keep practising reading your common words from the Primary 1 and Primary 2 word walls.
Today we will be learning all about symmetry – I remember we really liked learning about symmetry in class. We made lots of symmetrical pictures using butterflies and scarecrows etc.
Can you remember what symmetrical means?
It means that both sides of something are the exact same – just like butterflies are.
Warm Up:
Watch this video (and sing along) to remind you all about symmetry
Go on a symmetry hunt. How many symmetrical things can you find in your house or outside?
Try and use some different things you might have around the house, or outside, to make a symmetrical picture.
Have a look at the pictures below for some ideas….you could use lego blocks, stones, leaves, or paint one half of a butterfly and fold it over.
Extra Challenge:
Use one half of a photograph of yourself, or a cutting from a magazine or newspaper, and draw the other half to make the picture symmetrical. Look a the example below to help you!
Morning p1/2. Looks like it’s going to be another sunny day – hopefully you’ll be able to get out and enjoy the sun for a bit. Here are today’s lessons – have a go and see how you get on.
Writing Tuesday
Warm up
Can you remember all our rules for writing? How many can you remember without having to look at the picture below?
Main Activity
Here is a video of one of our favourite books that we read in class – ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’
Listen to the story and try to join in with the rhyming
After you have read/listened to the story talk to someone about the story. What happened in it? Retell the story using your words.
After you have talked about the story write down and draw something that happened at the:
BEGINNING of the story
MIDDLE of the story
END of the story
Extra Challenge
Write down as many rhyming words as you can from the story. Can anyone get more than 3 pairs of rhyming words? I managed to get ‘boat’ and ‘goat’.
Fun Finisher
Julia Donaldson’s husband has made up a song about the story – have a listen and see what you think!
Remember, when you are doing an adding sum, you can add the numbers in ANY order – even when you switch the numbers about, the answer is still the same e.g. 3 + 5 is the same as 5 + 3
In class, when we were adding numbers together, we found it was easier to swap the numbers around so we always started with the big number and then added on the small number
Have a go at the worksheets below. Look out for the different Primary 1 and Primary 2 worksheets.
Primary 1 – write these in your jotter, please
Primary 2 Worksheet
Complete the worksheet below by writing the matching pairs in your jotter like this, please:
14 + 82 = 82 +14
If you can, try and answer the sums too. You might need help from someone (or a calculator) to work out 3 of them! Good luck.
Extra Challenge
If you have a dice at home, roll the dice twice then add the 2 numbers together. Switch the numbers round and write the sum the other way too!
Look at the worksheet below to help you complete your extra challenge
If you don’t have a dice, use this online dice rolling link: Online Dice
Game to Support Learning:
Play Sumdog for 10 minutes – Mr Green is awarding Sumdog champions each week.
Play Tell a T-Rex to practise your reading – click on CVC or challenge yourself to CCVC.
Try this super website Oxford Owl – it will give you access to lots of age appropriate books which are designed to help you read at your level. You can filter by age or level at the top. I have set up an account for our class:
Click on ‘my class login’ at the top.
Username: woodlandsreading
Password: pupil
Main Task:
Primary 1
Read the short story below about Cat and then answer the questions. You can answer the questions by talking to someone at home or you can write your answers in your jotter.
Remember, to try and answer in a full sentence with a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop. Not just with one word. So for question number 1 your answer would start:-
The cat is sat on the ______ .
Primary 2
Read the short story below about Burt and then answer the questions in your jotter.
Remember, to write your answer in a full sentence with a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop. Not just with one word. So for question number 1 your answer would start:-
Burt went surfing on _________ .
Extra Challenge:
Can you find any rhyming words in the story?
Make up your own question about the story for someone else to answer!
Remember to keep practising reading your common words from the Primary 1 and Primary 2 word walls.
Today we will be learning about the position of something compared to something else and learn about the language we use to describe where we, or things, are.
Warm Up:
Watch this clip on BBC Bitesize about the different words we use to describe the position of things – click here
Watch the video below all about position
Main Task:
Look at the pictures in the grid below and the answer the questions.
For question 1 draw the picture in your jotter.
For question 2 write the sentence, adding in the missing position words.
Extra Challenge:
Play this tricky game to test your positional language – can you complete all 9 rounds?