Tuesday Maths Lesson

Addition Tuesday

Jokes for kids: big list of clean math jokes

Today is our day to practise addition.

Warm Up

Main Activity

Remember, when you are doing an adding sum, you can add the numbers in ANY order – even when you switch the numbers about, the answer is still the same e.g. 3 + 5 is the same as 5 + 3
Math Posters - Math Properties - Printable Math Posters ...
In class, when we were adding numbers together, we found it was easier to swap the numbers around so we always started with the big number and then added on the small number
Have a go at the worksheets below. Look out for the different Primary 1 and Primary 2 worksheets.
Primary 1  –   write these in your jotter, please

First Grade Math Unit 7: Missing Addends, Fact Families, True or ...

Primary 2 Worksheet 
  • Complete the worksheet below by writing the matching pairs in your jotter like this, please:
14 + 82 = 82 +14
  • If you can, try and answer the sums too. You might need help from someone (or a calculator) to work out 3 of them! Good luck.

Commutative Property of Addition - Definition & Worksheets (With ...

Extra Challenge

  • If you have a dice at home, roll the dice twice then add the 2 numbers together. Switch the numbers round and write the sum the other way too!
  • Look at the worksheet below to help you complete your extra challenge
  • If you don’t have a dice, use this online dice rolling link: Online Dice

First Grade Summer Worksheets | Commutative property of addition ...

Game to Support Learning:

  • Play Sumdog for 10 minutes – Mr Green is awarding Sumdog champions each week.

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