Wednesday Maths Lesson

Subtraction Wednesday

101 Silly Math Jokes and Puns to Make Students Laugh Like CrazyToday is our day we do some work on our subtraction skills. 

Warm Up:

  • Go on a number hunt around the house and find as many numbers as you can – when you find a number, take away 1 from it e.g. if you find the number 16, take away 1 and your answer is 15 
  • Remember – when you take away 1 you just go to the number before
  • What is the biggest number you can find? I managed to find the number 100 in a book so I took 1 away and wrote down 99. Can you beat me and find an even bigger number?

Main Activity: 

Primary 1 Worksheet
  • Write down your subtraction sums in your jotter and then answer them
  • If you find it easier, you can draw the pictures to help you solve each problem – cross out the amount to take away, then count how many are left

Kindergarten Subtraction Worksheets & Free Printables |

Primary 2 Worksheet
  • Lots of words tell you to take away e.g. subtract, minus, the difference between, less than, how many are left? 
  • Can you solve these tricky subtraction problems?  You need to to really think about what the question is asking you to do.

1st-grade-subtraction-word-problems-to-10-2.gif (1000×1294) | Math ...

Game to Support Learning:

  • Practice your subtraction skills with this game – click here!

Extra Challenge:

  • Sing along with this video all about subtraction – it really made me laugh! 

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