Monday Maths Lesson

Place Value Monday

Why didn't the two 4's feel like dinner? | Funny math jokes, Math ...

Warm Up:

Main Activity:

Primary 1 worksheet:
  • Write these numbers from smallest to largest in your jotter
Ordering numbers from smallest to largest | Teaching ResourcesPrimary 2 worksheet:
  • Can you split these numbers into tens and ones? How many tens are in each number? How many ones are there? Remember ‘ones’ and ‘units’ mean the same thing

Tens and Ones Place Value Worksheet - One of Two | Place value ...

Extra Challenge:

  • Can you write any numbers using things you might have in your house, or things you might find outside e.g. sticks, stones or leaves? Look at the pictures below for some ideas

There are 3 Sticks. Can you Make 4 out of them without Breaking ...10 LEGO numbers - Wunderwerkstatt

Learn Numbers 1 to 10 and Write Easily With Rainbow Colours Stone ...


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