27.05.20 Home Learning ✏️

Good morning everyone,

I hope you enjoyed the sunshine yesterday, it was just delightful. ☀️ 

Today is a special day because NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and SpaceX will launch an American rocket to the International Space Station. It will be shown live on the link above and many other websites online. 🚀

Nasa will launch their ‘Falcon 9’ rocket with two astronauts inside the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule, for the first time since 2011 at the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida. It is the first private spacecraft that can carry a crew into low-Earth orbit. Lift off is 9:33pm 🚀 

Why not check out NASA’S Kids Club! 🌏


Here are today’s lessons:

Wednesday 27th May


Literacy: Comprehension

Warm up Task: Spelling

  • I can read, write and spell my words accurately.

Spelling Words: took, school, think, home, who, didn’t, ran, know, again and bear.

Task: Write the date, title and I can neatly into your jotter. Practise your spelling words. You can choose an activity from your grid.

This could be: rainbow spelling, bubble words, ABC words (alphabetical order), curly words, word shapes, words in silly sentences, blue vowels and red consonants (or other colours), capital and lower case words or simply write out 4x in your jotter.

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Check over the order of your letters!


Main Activity – Comprehension 📚 

  • I can skim and scan the text.
  • I can answer in a full sentence.

Read the text, ‘Moles.’ Think about the text you have read, the information it tells you and answer sections A, B and C as best as you can.

I have given you the quanswer (key words from the question to begin your answer) to help you.

🌶 A. 1.  Moles eat __________.

2.  It is quite unusual to see a mole because ________.

3.  If a mole had long, thick hair on its body it would ________.

4.  Moles have such large front feet to ________.

5.  I think that moles have their ears hidden under their fur because ________.


🌶 🌶 B.1.  Moles spend most of their lives beneath the surface because ________.

2.a.  Moles use _____ on their bodies to discover what is in front of them.

2.b.  Moles use _____ on their bodies to discover what is above them.

3.a.  The oppositie of clean is _____.

3.b.   A word that means the same as tunnel is _____.


🌶 🌶 🌶 C. Draw a picture of a mole and label it carefully using spider legs (straight lines).

Read and check over your work. 🔍


Finisher: READING – Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from! 📚

Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar

When you search for a book that you like, click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to open and read the first page. If there are too many tricky words, it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect read.



Maths: Multiplication ✏️ 

So far, we have covered the 2, 10, 5, 3 and 4 times tables. Yesterday we practised all of these and today we extend our learning to 2-digit multiplication. (x 40, 20, 30, 50, 10 etc.)

  • I can build up my times tables
  • I can use repeated addition to work out table facts (counting on in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s)


Warm up task:  2, 5 and 10 times tables ✏️ 

Practise counting out loud in sets of 2’s, 5’s and 10’s for your times tables. You could shout it out in: a loud voice, a quiet whispering voice, a squeaky voice, a robot voice or a funny voice.

0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24.

0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 25, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60.

0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120.

Or you can practise your times tables on Super Movers:



Main Activity – Multiples of 10 by: 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10. ✏️ 

  • I can recall my times tables facts
  • I can use my multiplication rule accurately

Read each question carefully. Think about what it is asking you to do and how you should write your number sentence. Look out for number clues in the text!

Remember: we can use a variety of vocabulary for multiplication: twice (x2), double (x2), sets of, groups of, multiplied by ? and multiply ? by ?

When we are working with multiples of 10, we use our rule of ‘adding 0’ to our answers once we have worked out the basic multiplication. For example:

1a.  2 x 40 = 80

(work out 2 x 4 then add 0)

2a.  2 x 30 = 60

(work out 2 x 3 then add 0)

3a. 3 x 40 = 120

(work 3 x 4 then add 0)

4a.  2 x 20 = 40

(work out 2 x 2 then add 0)

If you can manage this mentally then that is brilliant. You can use also use your number tracks or 100-square to help you.

Check over your answers and traffic-light your work. 🚦


Fun Finisher – Sumdog Activity ⭐️ 

Take part in at least 20 minutes of Maths games today.

I will reward you with 50/ 100/ 200 coins for your daily activity.

Well done to: Hollie, Nathan, Callum and Isla for improving your skills this week.


Reminder: Shonagh from Blair Drummond Safari Park is live tomorrow at 12 on Facebook to take you to the habitat of the RHINOS.


Have a wonderful Wednesday! 👍🏼

Mrs Maher 🍎


26.05.20 Home Learning 📚

Good morning boys and girls,

I hope that you all had a lovely long weekend for the May holiday and enjoyed the sunshine. I want you to know that I miss seeing your faces everyday, and hearing your jokes and stories that make me laugh. Please stay safe! 😃

Here are today’s lessons:

Tuesday 26th May

Literacy: Handwriting  


Warm up

  • I can practise joining to the letter ‘r.’

In your jotter, write your date, title and ‘I can’ neatly. Copy your join ‘er’ and the sentence. Take care to keep these letters halfway up on the line. When you bring your pencil down, up and round for ‘r’ this hook will later help you to join the letter to other letters.

FOCUS – A. Copy this pattern into your book. B. Copy the joined letters ‘er’ for one line in your jotter, ‘ir’ for a second line in your jotter and ‘ur’ for a third line in your jotter.


Main Activity

  • I can trace and write pattern, letters and words accurately
  • I can copy and complete sentences in my neatest handwriting

EXTRA – Copy these words into your jotter. Take care with your hook when joining the letter r to d for ‘bird’ and r to t in ‘hurt.’

EXTENSION – Copy the sentences into your jotter using your neatest handwriting. Remember to include your capital letters, clear finger spaces, commas at the end of the line and your exclamation mark.

Read and check over your work. 🔍


Finisher: READING – Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from! 📚

Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar

When you search for a book that you like, click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to open it and read the first page. If there are too many tricky words, it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect read! 👍🏼



Maths: Multiplication✏

So far we have covered the 2, 10, 5, 3 and 4 times tables. Last Thursday before the May holiday we had a go at the 3, 4 and 5 times tables task. Remember you can use your number square as practised in class or use your number track to help too.

  • I can build up my times tables
  • I can use repeated addition to work out table facts (counting on in 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s and 10’s)

Warm up task:  3, 4 and 5 times tables✏

Practise counting out loud in steps of 3’s, 4’s and 5’s for your times tables. You could shout it out in: a loud voice, a quiet whispering voice, a squeaky voice, a robot voice or a funny voice.

0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36.

0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48.

0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60.

Or you can practise your times tables on Supermovers:



Main Activity: 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables✏

  • I can count on and back in steps accurately.
  • I can recall my times tables facts for 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10.

Read each question carefully. Think about what it is asking you to do and how you should write your number sentence.

Look for a number clue in the text. Count on in sets of numbers to find the answer. For example:

1a.  4 x 4 = 16

2a.  5 x 9 = 45

3a. 2 x 8 =  16

4a.  5 x 6 = 30

You can use your number tracks or use your 100-square to help you count on in steps of either 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s or 10’s.

Check over your answers and traffic-light your work. 🚦


Fun Finisher – Sumdog Activity ⭐

Take part in at least 20 minutes of Maths games today.

I will reward you with 50/ 100/ 200 coins for your daily activity. 👍🏼

Last week our NL contest finished and we came 99th on the leaderboard. Well done those who took part and to Darius for dedication and improvement. 🌟


Outdoor Activities 🍃 🌳 

Why not take some time to do some outdoor learning activities in the garden or while out on your walk. Here are a few ideas that you can do with natural or everyday materials. 😃

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Have a lovely day everyone! ☀️

Mrs Maher 🍎


21.05.20 Home Learning🍎

Good morning boys and girls.

I hope you are all ok and staying safe. Yesterday was a beautiful day! I hope you managed to get outside and remembered to put on some sunscreen. ☀️

🏆 North Lanarkshire Sumdog Contest finishes at 8pm TODAY!

Tomorrow and Monday are May holidays so today will be the last online lessons until Tuesday. 😎

How are you feeling today? Why not ‘Take a Moment’ with Mrs McMillan to try 4, 7, 8 breathing.  Check out this great technique to quickly calm your body and mind. Many people use it to help them to drop off to sleep or get back to sleep if they wake up during the night. Best suited for aged 8-adult. 😃 


Here are today’s lessons:

Thursday 21st May


Literacy: Spelling and Grammar

Warm up Task: Adjectives Game

  • I can identify an adjective as a describing word
  • I can use adjectives in sentences accurately

Take part in one of the adjectives games. I have posted two just in case one does not work on your tablet.

Game 1: Adjective Detective https://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/learning-activities/languages/words/adjective-detective/

Game 2:  Adjective Quiz http://resources.hwb.wales.gov.uk/VTC/ngfl/english/caerphilly/adjectives/index.htm


Main Activity – Adjectives

  • I can identify that an adjective is a describing word.
  • I can include adjectives in my sentences.

Write your Date, Title and I can neatly into your jotter. Read the text twice carefully to remind you of the rule of using adjectives. Building upon last week’s grammar work, do you remember that the first sentence has been improved by adding some adjectives to describe the dragon?

The dragon came out of the cave.

The fearsome, fiery dragon came out of the huge, dark cave.


We use adjectives to give us more information and make sentences more interesting. Building upon last week’s grammar work, complete the Making sure and Practising Punctuation of your adjectives work.

Making Sure – 1. Copy out the sentences. Leave out the adjectives. 2. Copy the sentences and put in some adjectives to make them more interesting. Underline your adjectives.

Practise your punctuation – Punctuate the passage given correctly. You will need to include capital letters and full stops. Each time you come across the adjective nice, replace it with a more interesting word.

Read and check over your work. 🔍


Finisher: READING – Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from! 📚

Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar

If you search for a book that you like, Click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to read the first page. If there are too many tricky words it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect book for you. 👍🏼

PLEASE COMMENT if you have any questions or difficulties. 😀



Maths: Multiplication

  • I can build up the 3, 4 and 5 times table
  • I can use repeated addition to work out table facts (counting on in 3’s, 4’s and 5’s)

Warm up task:  Counting on in 3’s, 4’s and 5’s

Write out your 3, 4 and 5 times table number track in your jotter to help you with today’s task. Try to count out loud in steps as you write them out. Check them over once you’re finished!

3 Times Table: 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36.

4 Times table: 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48.

5 Times Table: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60.


Main Activity: Multiples of 3, 4 and 5

  • I can count on and back in 3’s, 4’s and 5’s accurately.
  • I can recall my times tables facts for 3, 4 5.


Read each question carefully. Think about what it is asking you to do and how you should write your number sentence.

Look for a number clue in the text. Count on in sets of 3’s, 4’s or 5’s to find the answer. for example:

1a.  3 x 6 = 18

2a.  4 x 3 = 12

3a.  3 x 8 = 24

4a.  4 x 5 = 20

5a.  5 x [2] = 10

You can use your number tracks from the warm up to help you count on in multiples and help you find the answer quickly and accurately.

Check over your answers and traffic-light your work. 🚦


Fun Finisher – Sumdog Activity ⭐

Take part in at least 20 minutes of Maths games today. 

🏆 North Lanarkshire Sumdog Contest finishes at 8pm  TODAY!

Well done to: Darius, Callum, Nathan, Szymon for good accuracy. Keep it up and enjoy your reward! 👍🏼


Reminder: Blair Drummond Safari Park 🌲🦏🐅🐵

You’re in for a real treat TODAY as Shonagh from BDSP will go LIVE at 12 on Facebook from the habitat of the LIONS! 🦁

You’ll get the chance to see their beautiful pride of African lions and hopefully catch a glimpse of their playful cubs. They will share fabulous facts, tell you how they care for them and what they’re doing to protect lions in the wild.

⚠️ WARNING: The live video will include lions having their lunch. They are fed whole animal carcasses.



Have a lovely day everyone! 👍🏼 Enjoy clapping for our carers and our NHS heroes tonight. 🌈 ☁️

Mrs Maher 🍎

20.05.20 Home Learning⭐️

Good morning everyone,

I can’t believe we are half way through another week already. I hope that you are all doing well. How are you feeling today? Are you feeling stressed? Overwhelmed?

Why not ‘Take a Moment’ with Mrs McMillan to relax. This is a progressive muscle relaxation video and a perfect way to relax your mind and body during ‘Mental Health Awareness Week.’ It’s really good for bedtime too.


Here are today’s lessons:

Wednesday 20th May


Literacy: Comprehension 📖

Warm up Task: Spelling

  • I can read, write and spell my topic words accurately.

Neatly in your jotter, write the date, title and I can.

Task: Practise your health and well-being spelling words in your jotter. You can choose an Activity from your grid. This could be: rainbow spelling, bubble words, ABC words (alphabetical order), curly words, word shapes, capital and lower case words or simply write out 4x in your jotter. Check over your work!

Key Words: brain, relax, kindness, caring, emotions, friendly, happy, respect.

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Main Activity – Comprehension

  • I can skim and scan the text.
  • I can write in a full sentence.

As part of Mental Health Awareness Week, I would like you to read the text, ‘Looking after yourself.’ Think about the text you have read, what it tells you and you can use the word bank to help if you need it.


Copy and complete the sentences below in your jotter.

  1. When I look after my body, I feel content and ______.
  2. There are lots of things I can do to _____ how I feel.
  3. Spending time with the people I ______ makes me feel good.
  4. We could play a ______, do an activity that we both enjoy or just ______ to each other.
  5. Exercise is very important for my body and ______.
  6. I can relax my mind by listening to music, colouring, taking a few deep ______ or spending time in nature.
  7. It is important to get enough ______ so that my body will ______.
  8. Showing ______ to others make me feel good.

Word bank: game, kindness, rest, talk, breaths, happy, sleep, love, mind, improve.

Read and check over your work. 🔍


Finisher: READING – Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from! 📚

Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar

If you search for a book that you like, Click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to read the first page. If there are too many tricky words it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect book for you. 👍🏼

PLEASE COMMENT if you have any questions or difficulties. 😀



Maths: Multiplication

  • I can build up the 4 times table
  • I can use repeated addition to work out table facts (counting on in 4’s)

Warm up task:  4x Table Song

Let Cyril the Swan get you moving and learning the 4 times table with this fun song and movement routine.


Main Activity: 4 Times Table

  • I can count on and back in 4’s accurately.
  • I can recall my times tables facts for 4

Read each question carefully. Think about what it is asking you to do and how you should write your number sentence.

Look for a number clue in the text. Count on in sets of 4’s to find the answer. for example:

1a.  4 x £7 =£28

2a.  4 x £8 =£32

3a.  4 x [6] = 24

You can even use your 100-square to help you count on.

Check over your answers and traffic-light your work. 🚦


Fun Finisher – Sumdog Activity ⭐

Take part in at least 20 minutes of Maths games today. 

🏆 North Lanarkshire Sumdog Contest is on until Thursday!🏆

Well done to: Darius, Callum, Amelia, Sonny, Emily, Nathan, Szymon and Ryan for good accuracy. Keep it up and enjoy your reward! 👍🏼


Have a lovely day everyone! 👍🏼

Mrs Maher 🍎

19.05.20 Home Learning✏️

Good morning boys and girls,

I hope that you all well and are staying safe.

As part of ‘mental Health Awareness Week’ I wanted to share with you a great story about worries. It has some lovely pictures with repetition and rhyme.


I enjoyed reading in the story that “An event can turn our world upside down and everybody worries and wears a long frown. Worrying is normal when so much has changed. It’s okay to worry when things don’t stay the same.”

I want you to take that message with you today.

It’s important to talk openly about what is going on and that the feelings we’re experience are being felt by a lot of people. By sharing and caring for each other we can try and make it a little better.

Here are today’s lessons:


Tuesday 19th May

Literacy: Handwriting ✏ 


Warm up

  • I can practise joining to the letter ‘a.’

In your jotter, write your date, title and ‘I can’ neatly. Copy your join ‘ea’ and take care to join from the bottom of the letter e to the top of the letter a. Then bring your pencil round, up, down and flick.

FOCUS – A. Copy this pattern into your book. B. Copy the joined letters ‘ea’ for one line in your jotter, ‘ear’ for a second line in your jotter and ‘ead’ for a third line in your jotter.


Main Activity

  • I can trace and write pattern, letters and words accurately
  • I can copy and complete sentences in my neatest handwriting

EXTRA – Copy these words into your book. Take care with your hook when joining the letter r to e in ‘bread.’

EXTENSION – Copy the sentences into your jotter using your neatest handwriting. Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence.

Read and check over your work. 🔍


Finisher: READING – Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from! 📚

Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar

If you search for a book that you like, Click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to read the first page. If there are too many tricky words it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect book for you. 👍🏼

PLEASE COMMENT if you have any questions or difficulties. 😀



Maths: Multiplication

  • I can build up the 3 times table
  • I can use repeated addition to work out table facts (counting on in 3’s)

Warm up task:  3x Table Song

Get on your feet and learning the 3 times table using Professor Pipette’s fun song and movement routine.


Main Activity: 3 Times Table

  • I can count on and back in 3’s accurately.
  • I can recall my times tables facts for 3

Read each question carefully. Think about what it is asking you to do and how you should write your number sentence.

Look for a number clue in the text. Count on in sets of 3’s to find the answer. for example:

1a.  3 x 6 = 18

2a.  3 x 5 = 15

3a. Jane – 1 x 20 = 20      Ali 3 x 7 = 21

4a.  3 x [0] = 0     4b.  3 x [4] = 12

You can even use your 100-square to help you count on.

Check over your answers and traffic-light your work. 🚦


Fun Finisher – Sumdog Activity ⭐

Take part in at least 20 minutes of Maths games today. 

🏆 North Lanarkshire Sumdog Contest is on until Thursday!🏆

Well done to: Darius, Callum, Amelia, Sonny, Emily, Nathan, Szymon and Ryan for good accuracy. Keep it up and enjoy your reward! 👍🏼

Have a lovely day everyone! 👍🏼

Mrs Maher 🍎

18.05.20 Home Learning📚

Good morning everyone!

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend. This week it is ‘Mental Health Awareness Week’ and during Lockdown we have experienced all kinds of emotions.

To help you to control emotions and to help you relax, I have been posting some brilliant breathing/ relaxation videos from Mrs MacMillan’s Youtube channel. Aren’t they great? Well, I wanted to share with you, her funny blooper video of just how many tries she takes to get her videos right. I hope it gives you a giggle!

I hope you enjoyed watching the video. What did you think of it? How did it make you feel? I hope it cheered you up!

The video clip shows you that no matter how many tries Mrs McMillan took, she didn’t give up.  You can see from the video she tried to cope with her challenge and stay strong – she didn’t give up when it got tricky! I want you to take that message with you today.

You are doing a great job. You can get through this difficult time!


Here are today’s lessons:


Monday 18th May

Literacy: Spelling ✏ 

Use your spelling method to help you learn your words:


LOOK: at a small group of words and their letter patterns.

SAY: the words quietly, thinking about the letter patterns.

COVER: the key word list.

WRITE: the group of words you have practised

CHECK: how many you have spelt correctly. If you need to, have another go.


Warm up

  • I can read, write and spell ‘oi and oy’ words.

Task – Focus – Record your date, title and I can in your jotter. Write out your words from the key word box using look, say, cover, write, check with a finger space between each word.


A) Look at the pictures. Write the rhyming key words in your book. The first one is done to help you.

B) Write five other oi key words neatly in your jotter.

C) Write a sentence that includes two of the key words in it.


Main Activity

  • I can sort words into the correct letter patterns
  • I can order my letters in words accurately


Task: Extra – A. Write three headings in your jotter, oil words, oin words and oy words. B. Write three sentences using at least one word from each letter pattern family.

Extension – Copy the words from the texts and fill in the gaps with oi or oy.

Read and check over your work. 🔍

Finisher: READING – Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from! 📚

Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar

If you search for a book that you like, Click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to read the first page. If there are too many tricky words it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect book for you. 👍🏼

PLEASE COMMENT if you have any questions or difficulties. 😀



Maths: Multiplication

  • I can build up the 5 times table
  • I can use repeated addition to work out table facts (counting on in 5’s)

Warm up task:  5x Table Song

Take part in moving and singing along to the Posh Pooch to remind you of your 5x table.


Main Activity: 5 Times Table

  • I can count on and back in 5’s accurately.
  • I can recall my times tables facts for 5

Read each question carefully. Think about what it is asking you to do and how you should write your number sentence. Look for a number clue in the text. Count on in sets of 5’s to find the answer. for example:

1a.  5 x 7 = 35 (5 green trucks x 7 bags = 35)

2a.  9 x 5 = 45

3a.  5 x 3 = 13   so helmets in 3 boxes

4a. 5 x [1] = 5

You can even use your 100-square to help you count on.


Check over your answers and traffic-light your work. 🚦


Fun Finisher – Sumdog Activity ⭐

Take part in at least 20 minutes of Maths games today. 

🏆 Our North Lanarkshire school Sumdog Contest is on until Thursday!🏆

All you have to do is log into Maths games and play but the answer needs to be correct for your score to count. So, read the question carefully!  I will keep you up-to-date with the leaderboard. 👍🏼

Have a lovely day everyone! 👍🏼

Mrs Maher 🍎

15.05.20 Home learning 🍎

Good morning boys and girls, 😃

Happy Friday! I hope you have all had a great week. Did you all clap for our carers and the NHS last night? Did you all make a loud noise and show your appreciation? ☁ 🌈

🏆 Our North Lanarkshire Sumdog Contest is now on!🏆

Here are today’s lessons…

Friday 15th May

Warm up task: Spelling practise ✏

    • I can read, write and order the letters in my spelling words accurately.

Task: Take part in 20 minutes of Sumdog Literacy – spelling. Your spelling words are included in your games when you log on and you should play and collect coins along the way.

Well done to Ryan, Emily, Robbie and Sonny for good effort yesterday. 😃

Main Activity – Adjectives

  • I can identify that an adjective is a describing word
  • I can include adjectives in my sentences.

Write your Date, Title and I can in your jotter neatly. Read the text twice carefully. Do you notice that the first sentence has been improved by adding some adjectives to describe the dragon?

The dragon came out of the cave.

The fearsome, fiery dragon came out of the huge, dark cave.

Practise – Copy the sentences. Choose the most suitable adjectives from the brackets to fill each gap.

Read and check over your work then traffic light.🚦


Finisher: READING – Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from! 📚


Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar

If you search for a book that you like, Click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to read the first page. If there are too many tricky words it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect book for you. 👍🏼

PLEASE COMMENT if you have any questions or difficulties. 😀


Maths: Multiplication

  • I can build up the 10 times table
  • I can use repeated addition to work out table facts (counting on in 10’s)

Warm up task:  10x Table Song

Take part in moving and singing along to Webster the spider to remind you of your 10x table.



Main activityMultiplication

Write out your Title and ten times tables in your jotter neatly. This will help you with today’s task. If you can, recall your 10 times tables facts or count on in sets of 10’s to work out the answer.

You can also use your number square to help you.

Check over your answers and traffic light your work.🚦


Finisher: Sumdog Activity

Take part in at least 20 minutes of Maths games today. 

🏆 Our North Lanarkshire school Sumdog Contest is now on!🏆

All you have to do is log into Maths games and play but the answer needs to be correct for your score to count. So, read the question carefully! 

The North Lanarkshire Contest starts today, running from the 15th – and finishing at 8pm on the 21st May. I will keep you up-to-date with the leaderboard. 👍🏼

Well done to those who played along yesterday. I managed to beat my score of 27 on Junkpile to 32 and my score of 1346 on Cannon ball to 1406. Well played everyone! ⭐️

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Have a great weekend everyone and make sure you get outside for some exercise.  ☀️ 

Mrs Maher 😃

14.05.20 Home Learning ⭐️

Good morning boys and girls,

I cant believe it’s Thursday again already. I hope you are all enjoying clapping for our carers and the NHS and will be again tonight at 8pm. Stephen is using a spoon on the back of a pot while we are clapping – he is very loud 😂

Doesn’t the sunshine in the morning make you smile?! Have you brushed your teeth and made your bed? Great! Then let’s get started. 🙂

Here are your tasks for today…

Thursday 14th May


Warm up task: Spelling practise

  • I can read, write and order the letters in my spelling words accurately.

Task: Take part in 20 minutes of Sumdog Literacy – spelling. Your spelling words are included in your games and you should play and collect coins along the way.

Main Activity – Comprehension

  • I can skim and scan the text.
  • I can answer in a full sentence.

Look carefully at the text and read it twice. It is from the back of an information book. Everyone should complete section A questions in your jotter and only complete B and C if you would like a challenge.



🌶 A. Skim and scan the text then answer these questions to show factual recall.

🌶🌶 B.  Skim and scan the text then answer these extended questions. Think about the evidence you have read and what it suggests.

🌶🌶🌶 C. Look up the words on an online dictionary. Write down the meaning of: canal, condensation, dam, desert, dew and evaporate.

You could use this link as your dictionary: https://kids.wordsmyth.net/we/?ent=dew

Layout like this in your jotter:

  1. Word – canal

Meaning – a channel of water made by humans for boat transportation or for bringing water to crops.


Read and check over your work then traffic light.🚦


Finisher: READING – Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from! 📚


Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar

If you search for a book that you like, Click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to read the first page. If there are too many tricky words it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect book for you. 👍🏼

PLEASE COMMENT if you have any questions or difficulties. 😀


Maths: Subtraction

  • I can build up the 2 times table
  • I can use repeated addition to work out table facts

Warm up task: 2x Table Song

Take part in moving and singing along to Bridget the Lioness to remind you of your 2x table.


Main activity: Multiplication

Write out your two times tables in your jotter neatly. This will help you with today’s task. If you can, recall your 2 times tables facts mentally to work out the answer.


Q1. (a) to (c) Find the cost of two of each.

Q2. (a) to (k) Complete the sum.

Q3. (a) to (d) Find each child’s score. for example:

Q3. a)  2 x 3 = 6    add 6 = 12

Check over your answers and traffic light your work.🚦


Fun Finisher – Sumdog Activity

This week is a short 4 day week so your daily challenge is to Play against the teacher every day on Sumdog from 2-3pm. I will log on and meet you there today at 2pm. 😃

Sonny, Callum, Emily and Szymon, I am trying hard to beat your scores but you are doing so well! I really enjoyed ‘Chef’ where you answer the questions then build your burgers – but you’ve got to be quick. I also enjoyed Junkpile but you need to keep trying if your items fall off. 👍🏼


Reminder: Blair Drummond Safari Park 🌲🦏🐅🐵

You’re in for a real treat TODAY as BDSP go LIVE at 12 on Facebook from the habitat of the TIGERS! 🐯

Join Shonagh on Facebook and she’ll introduce you to their two Armur tigers, Hope and Vitali, that live in the park. She will show you how they care for the tigers, you can ask your own question and take part in the quiz at the end. 🧠

There is also a nice surprise for viewers too! 👍🏼

Have a lovely day! 😃

Mrs Maher 🍎 

13.05.20 Home Learning ✏️

Good morning boys and girls!

I hope that you all managed to get some exercise yesterday. It’s to be sunny today so Stephen and I are going to go for a long walk and enjoy some sunshine. I wonder what we will see along the way? ☀

Did you manage to get on EPIC Books yesterday? I have signed everyone up to join as they have many amazing books free to read online. 👍🏼 It is really important that you all keep reading regularly – even reading a little bit everyday will be enough. 📚

Why not read to a brother or sister, to an adult at home or even read to your teddy! 😃

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To read and discover more about these Epic Books all you have to do is visit the link and follow the instructions below:


Login > Students > Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar > Search

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If you search or scroll through for a book that you like, click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to read the first page. If there are too many tricky words it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect book for you.


Here are today’s lessons:

Wednesday 13th May

Literacy: Handwriting ✏ 

Warm up

  • I can join words from the letter ‘o’

Write your date, Title and ‘I can’ neatly into your jotter.

Copy the join ‘oi’ and the sentence neatly into your jotter.


Task – Focus

A. Copy the oi pattern into your jotter neatly.

B. Copy one line of oi, one line of ou and one line of oy neatly into your jotter.

Main Activity 

  • I can trace and write patterns, letters and words.
  • I can copy a poem and show my neatest handwriting

Task – Extra

Copy these oy and oi words neatly into your jotter.

Task – Extension

Copy the poem below into your book. Remember your capital letters, commas on the line and your full stop.

Read and check over your work. 🔍


Finisher: READING – Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from! 📚


Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar

If you search for a book that you like, Click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to read the first page. If there are too many tricky words it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect book for you. 👍🏼

PLEASE COMMENT if you have any questions or difficulties. 😀

Maths: Place Value

Warm up

  • I can count on and back mentally

Task – Play Hit the Button. Number Bonds: Make 10/Make 20/Make 100



Main Activity

  • I can count on and back accurately mentally
  • I can make links between addition and subtraction. (Revision)

Q1. (a) to (b) Copy and complete the addition and subtraction facts. Remember if you know one fact you know another.

Q2. (a) to (d) Write four number stories for each display. for example:





Q3. (a) to (c) Use the red dot in the centre and two other numbers of your choice from the box. Write four number stories.

Check over your answers and traffic-light your work. 🚦


Fun Finisher – Sumdog Activity

This week is a short 4 day week so your daily challenge is to Play against the teacher every day on Sumdog from 2-3pm. I will log on and meet you there at 2pm and let’s see if you can beat me! ⭐



It is normal to feel overwhelmed by everything during Lockdown. If you feel like everything is getting too much, remember Mrs McMillan’s ‘Take a Moment’ YouTube channel has: Belly Breathing, a Special Place Meditation and High 5 Breathing to help you.

Breathe and relax.

Have a lovely day everyone! 👍🏼

Mrs Maher 🍎

12.05.20 Home Learning 📚

Good morning everyone!

I hope that you all had a nice long  weekend and managed to spend some time outside in the sunshine. ☀

I have signed everyone up to an exciting website called ‘EPIC BOOKS’ and they have many amazing books free to read online. 👍🏼

It is really important that you all keep reading regularly – even reading a little bit everyday will be enough. 📚

Why not read to a brother or sister, to an adult at home or even read to your teddy! 😃

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To read and discover more about these Epic Books all you have to do is visit the link and follow the instructions below:


Login > Students > Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar > Search


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If you search or scroll through for a book that you like, click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to read the first page. If there are too many tricky words it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect book for you.


Here are today’s lessons:

Tuesday 12th May

Literacy: Spelling ✏ 

Use your spelling method to help you learn your words:


LOOK: at a small group of words and their letter patterns.

SAY: the words quietly, thinking about the letter patterns.

COVER: the key word list.

WRITE: the group of words you have practised

CHECK: how many you have spelt correctly. If you need to, have another go.


Warm up

  • I can read, write and spell ‘er’ words.

Task – Focus – Record your date, title and I can in your jotter. Write out your words from the key word box using look, say, cover, write, check with a finger space between each word.



A) Look at the pictures. Write the rhyming key words in your jotter. The first one is done to help you. 1. Power – flower.

B) Write five other er key words neatly in your jotter.

C) Write a sentence that includes two of the key words in it.


Main Activity

  • I can use my rule of adding er to make new words
  • I can make new compound words


Task: Extra – A. Use ‘ever’ to make new words. B. Use ‘every’ to make new compound words. C. Write one sentence using two of the words you have made.

Extension – Add er, ed or ing to the words: 1. sit, 2. win, 3. flip, 4. swim, 5. spin, 6. trap, 7. tank, 8. stop, 9. smack, 10. speak, 11. bang, 12. walk. When you have a single vowel before the last letter you must double the last letter before adding on er, ed or ing.

  1. sit – sitting

Read and check over your work. 🔍

Finisher: READING – Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from! 📚

Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar

If you search for a book that you like, Click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to read the first page. If there are too many tricky words it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect book for you. 👍🏼

PLEASE COMMENT if you have any questions or difficulties. 😀


Maths: Place Value

Warm up

  • I can count on and back mentally

Task – Play Hit the Button. Number Bonds: Make 10/Make 20/Make 100



Main Activity

  • I can count on and back accurately.
  • I can make links between addition and subtraction.

Q1. (a) to (d) Copy and complete the addition and subtraction facts. Remember if you know one fact you know another.

Q2. (a) to (d) Use the addition fact and write two subtraction stories.

Challenge: Use the addition fact: 423 + 246 = 669 and write two three digit subtraction stories in your jotter.

Check over your answers and traffic-light your work. 🚦


Fun Finisher

Sumdog Activity – This week is a short 4 day week so your challenge this week is to Play against the teacher every day on Sumdog between 2pm and 3pm. I will log on and meet you there at 2pm and let’s see if you can beat me! ⭐


It is normal to feel overwhelmed by everything during Lockdown. If you feel like everything is getting too much, remember Mrs McMillan’s ‘Take a Moment’ YouTube channel has: Belly Breathing, a Special Place Meditation and High 5 Breathing to help you.

Breathe and relax.

Have a lovely day everyone! 👍🏼

Mrs Maher 🍎

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