30.04.20 Home Learning ✏️

Good morning boys and girls, 😃

Don’t worry if you feel like you’re having one of those days where you wake up and there’s a little cloud on you. ☁ 🌈 If you’re feeling a little bit down and your mood just isn’t right. Sometimes we can’t put our finger on why we feel like this but exercise and fresh air always helps. 🌲

You can ‘Take a moment’ to go to a special place with Mrs McMillan and use this relaxation activity to do just that. Use your imagination, create a safe, peaceful, happy place where you can take a break.

You could even draw out what your special, happy place looks like. Draw what you see, hear, smell, taste there and add details to the drawing. You could even put up the picture on your wall so that you can see it at night before you go to bed. 😴

Here are today’s lessons…

Thursday 30th April

Warm up task: Spelling practise ✏

  • I can read, write and order the letters in my spelling words accurately. 

Word list: time, came, made, your, about, house, said, have, like, here. (revise)

Task: Record your date and title. Practise your spelling words in your jotter. You can choose an Activity from your grid. This could be: rainbow spelling, bubble words, ABC words (alphabetical order), curly words, word shapes, capital and lower case words or simply write out 4x in your jotter. Check over your work!


Main Activity – Sentences and Phrases

  • I can identify that a sentence must contain a verb and a phrase is a short group of words
  • I can include capital letters and full stops in my sentences.


Read the information in the text about Sentences and Phrases twice.

A sentence is a group of words that makes sense on it own. Every sentence must contain a verb.

A phrase is a group of words that does not make sense on its own. Most phrases are short and do not contain a verb.

  1. Which of the following are sentences? Which are phrases?
  2. Underline the verb in each sentence. (describe actions)

Making sure

  1. Choose a suitable phrase from the box to complete each sentence.
  2. Make up 6 sentences and include one of the phrases from the text box in each one.

Practise your Punctuation

Rewrite these pairs of sentences. Swap/ exchange the verbs in each pair so that the sentences make sense. For example, in sentence 1, laid and fried are the verbs (action words) so swap them over so that the sentences now make sense:

  1. The lady fried an egg. The hen laid an egg.

Complete 1-6. Read and check over your work then traffic light.🚦

Finisher: Reading

First, log on to Oxford Owl using the ‘my class login’ details woodp4 and password as the password. Next, choose a book of your choice. Listen to the text or read the text. Finally, play an activity if you wish from the top. If your book has more content you may wish to read the first 10/ 15 pages only. 📖

Maths: Multiplication

  • I can count on in sets of 4’s.

Warm up task: Mental Maths. Record your title and Q1-16. Building upon last week’s 4x table we are going to use the strategy of repeated addition of 4’s. You have been given the first two numbers. Write them out and then circle the multiples of 4’s that you have in the 4x table.

Read and check over your work. 🔍

Main activity
: Multiplication

  • I can build up the 4x table

Task: Record your Title in your jotter. Look carefully at the grid. copy and complete the grid in your jotter. Q1-8 asks you to write the last number in the given row. Q9-14 asks you to write the number of legs in each set of animal pictures, if each animal has four legs. for example:

9.  3 x 4 = 12 (3 pictures of horses x 4 legs each = 12 legs)

Check over your answers and traffic light your work.🚦

Finisher: Sumdog Activity – Take part in at least 15 minutes of Maths games today. Our Sumdog challenge finishes tomorrow.

Well done to: Callum, Hollie, Ryan, Lilly, Nathan, Isla, Gabriella, Sonny and Szymon for good effort and accuracy yesterday. 🏆


Interested in Science?

Glasgow Science Centre at Home🧪🧬


Thursday 30 April. Water – lovely, crisp, clear water! In this stunning demonstration, CJ will show you how you can amaze your friends and family with the awesome properties of water and change its state almost instantly from supercool to solid. Intrigued? You will be! If you’d like to try at home, you’ll need: a bottle of distilled water, a freezer and some ice. You will need adult permission and supervision. Fun for all the family, with science over 5s will find fascinating.



Shonagh from BDSP will be live TODAY at 12 on Facebook to show everyone the habitat of the SEA LIONS. Tune in to find out some fabulous facts, ask your own questions and take part in the quiz at the end. 🌊

Have a lovely day! 👍🏼

Mrs Maher 😃

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