Good morning boys and girls,
Well done for all of your hard work this week! I have noticed many of you have been taking part in Sumdog Maths and Spelling and reading on Oxford Owl. Super effort! Can I remind you to only complete what you can manage – try reading online as well as Sumdog and feel free to message me on the blog.
Did you start your day with Joe Wicks? We decided to have a change today and start our day with Go Noodle then we enjoyed some of the Kidzbop videos on YouTube. Check them out!
Here are today’s lessons…
Friday 24th April
Literacy: Warm up task – Spelling
- I can read, write and spell my common words
Log on to Sumdog Literacy and click on spelling. Take part in at least 15 minutes of Spelling games that include your vocabulary. Collect coins along the way.
Main Task: Writing
Write an information report on a topic of your choice. You can write in your jotter, make a leaflet or use ICT to create a PowerPoint.
In your jotter: write a title, heading and three sub headings with three short sections of information about your topic. Each section can be a few sentences long or short paragraph – your choice.
Make a leaflet: fold your paper in your own style (see below), draw a title on the front cover with illustrations and write your fabulous facts inside. It can be a few sentences or short paragraphs. After that colour it in neatly.
Creating a PowerPoint: Make slide one with your name, title and pictures/photos. For the next three slides have a heading and subheadings and include your facts on each page. Remember in ICT we have highlighted the fact online using click and drag and then used the command CTRL + C to COPY. Then click on the text box in PP and CTRL+V to paste information. Include pictures/ photos to match your facts.
Challenge: Can you add animation?
Topic Ideas:
- Carry out personal research on a topic of your choice. (favourite sport/ sportsman/ favourite singer/ celebrity/ band/ favourite animal).
- Use Earth Day or Ramadan (linked to our recent topic of Islam).
Ramadan is the most important calendar event in Islam and it has just begun. It lasts for 30 days until the 23rd May.
To complete this task, find your interesting facts using a variety of media: books/ magazines/ websites (safely).
Useful Links:
Earth Day –
Earth Day –
Earth Day –
Ramadan –
Ramadan –
Here are a few examples of leaflets to remind you…
Success Criteria:
- Front cover with a title and illustrations?
- Headings and sub-headings on each page?
- Short paragraphs of information?
- Included topic vocabulary?
- Included connectives to link sentences?
- Used openers to capture the reader’s interest?
- Used a variety of punctuation?
- Diagrams/ Illustrations to match your writing?
Read and check over all of your writing to check you have not missed anything and that your writing makes sense.
Fun Finisher
Take ten minutes out and let professional storyteller Julia Donaldson take you on an adventure! There is also a link on this page to listen to chapter books.
Maths: Problem Solving
Today, you have a choice of 2 problem solving cards. Read them both carefully and select one of your choice. Think about which skill is involved to complete.
Card 11 – 1. Make each line add up to 16. Count on carefully. 2. Make each line add up to 20. Check over your answer. 3. Make your own puzzle if you wish. Why not challenge an adult or sibling at home?
*HINT – use the strategies of counting on and look for the number clues of where to start to help you*
Card 15 – Jack climbed up the beanstalk. He always went upwards. He first did it like this: left, right, left, right. Find five others ways that Jack can climb the beanstalk.
*Look carefully at your number clues to help you to start. Use guess, check and improve if you get it wrong*
Don’t give up easily – keep on trying of it gets tricky! I will post the answers on Monday and you can check if you are correct.
Sumdog Activity – Take part in at least 15 minutes of Maths games today. Our next Sumdog maths class challenge with P4/5 will begin next Monday so keep your eyes peeled.
Well done to: Szymon, Nathan, Isla and Callum for your great effort!
Interested in Science?
Glasgow Science Centre at Home
Three Things About Saturn 
Friday 24 April. By popular demand, we’re heading back into space for a fascinating tour of Saturn. Natalie will be sharing three amazing facts about the ringed planet. Perfect for budding astronomers of all ages!
Have a lovely weekend and stay safe!
Mrs Maher