23.03.20 P4 Home Learning

Good morning everyone,

I’d like to inform you that Miss Donaldson P5, Mrs Macleod P4/5 and I have collaborated to plan and organise a series of progressive lessons suitable for the age and stage of our learners. As noted in the cover letter, if you look at the blog for your child’s class and it is too difficult, go to the class below for support and keep going if necessary until they find the learning that suits them. Likewise, if it is too easy, please go to the class above for challenge. If you would like to complete more, then pupils can try another class’s blog.

Together, we have outlined weekly Literacy lessons to cover:

Spelling > Handwriting > Comprehension > Grammar/ Punctuation > Writing focus/ Free writing.

Also, our Numeracy and Maths lessons will cover:

Place Value > Addition > Subtraction > Multiplication > Challenge Problem Solving or Other.

Children should complete:

  • learning tasks on the blog in their jotter provided daily
  • at least 10 minutes of Sumdog Literacy and Maths
  • an activity from the grids in their packs or do a page of their booklet.

Monday 23rd March

Literacy: Spelling

Use your spelling method to help you learn your words:

LOOK: at a small group of words and their letter patterns.

SAY: the words quietly, thinking about the letter patterns.

COVER: the key word list.

WRITE: the group of words you have practised

CHECK: how many you have spelt correctly. If you need to, have another go.

Warm up

  • I can read, write and spell words with magic e. (+ revise ow/ ou/ oa/ oy/ ar/ ss/ wa)

Task: Focus – Record your date, title and I can in your jotter. Write 1-16 in your jotter and find the missing letters. Record your words in your jotter.

Main Activity

  • I can use my spelling rule accurately to add ‘ing’ to my words.
  • I can read, write and spell: there/ their, vowel letters, silent k, y + ed.

TaskExtra – Record your title and I can in your jotter. A. Use your spelling rule, drop the ‘e’ and add ing to your words. B. Make words with your given letters by adding ch or sh.

Extension – Record your title and I can in your jotter. A. Write a sentence for 1. here and there. 2. his, hers, their. B. Copy the sentence and put in the missing vowel (a,e,i,o,u) letters. C. A silent letter is missing from these words. Write them correctly in your jotter. D. Add ‘ed’ to these words. Remember, you need to change one of the letters.

Finisher: Magic ‘e’ memory game – Match the pairs of magic ‘e’ words.


Maths: Place Value

Warm up

  • I can read, write and order numbers to 1000.

Task: Record your title, I can and 1-16 in your jotter. Complete Mental Maths Sheet 3:A1.

Main Activity

Task: Q1-6 – Write the 3 digit number shown on each abacus. Check over your answers. Write all 6 numbers in order of size from smallest to largest. Q7-13 – Add £100 to each price. Rocket challenge (optional): You have 7 beads on your abacus, how many numbers can you make? Check over your answers and traffic-light your work.

Game: Play 10 minutes of your ActiveLearn account. New Place Value games have been assigned to your account. Complete Bronze > Silver > Gold tasks and complete coins along the way.


Reminder: Your login is the first four letters of your first name and surname. The password is woodlandsp4 and the school code is: 6kwa

Sumdog Activity: Take part in at least 10 minutes of Literacy and Maths games today.

Mrs Maher 😁📚✏

8 thoughts on “23.03.20 P4 Home Learning”

    1. Hi Alison, I have given everyone new words on the blog as revision from the spelling word walls and this will progress. Many children were absent on the last week and not everyone has their own spelling programmes at home. We will stick to the spelling word walls for now and get back to the spelling programmes at a later date. Thanks.

    2. I think the ‘ow’ you are referring to maybe from 23.03.20 is ow as in clown – picture number 7 from the focus task.

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