All posts by Pamela Donald

P6/7 Homework w/b: 27.11.17


  1. Practise your times tables.  Everyone knows what times tables they have to cover.  Here are some websites to help you practise.  Please record in your homework jotter how you prefer to practise your tables, the websites you visit or if you find a really useful website also write it down in your jotter for others to try.

Here are some website that may help:

2) Go onto Sumdog to practice your maths.


Literacy- Revision of Speech Marks.

Look at these sentences, put the speech marks into the correct place and replace the weak verbs (the ones underlined)with powerful verbs.

  1. Hello,   said the girl.
  2. John said, I am going to the shop.
  3. What time is it? asked Mary.
  4. I can play in the park, he said.
  5. The sun is shining today, said the woman.
  6. Where is my ball? asked Peter.
  7. She said,   I am 7 years old.
  8. I have brown hair, the little girl said.

*Can you write at least 2 sentences of your own using speech marks and powerful verbs?


strategy – ‘y’ as in gym and ‘i’ as in big.  Practise your words at home.  You have been given a printed word list or you have copied your word list into your homework jotter.

St Andrew’s Day

Use sources to research the life of St Andrew. Select key information to create a fact sheet.  Possible areas to consider: St Andrew’s Life; St Andrew’s Day Traditions, The Saltire and Patron Saint of Scotland and other countries.

Monday 27th November 2017


Today we were rounding and adjusting. We were learning a new way to round and adjust!We were using empty number lines.It was quite tricky because we were doing minus calculations.If we add one on we still have to add one on because we are taking away more than we are supposed to!


Today we practiced our spelling words. Strategy – ‘y’ as in gym / ‘i’ as in big.

  • Abyss
  • Acronym
  • Abysmal
  • Analytic
  • Calypso
  • Cryptic
  • Cygnet
  • Mystic
  • Pygmy
  • Synchronise
  • Syllable
  • Synthetic
  • Typical
  • Irritable
  • Gigantic
  • Disagree
  • Misplace
  • Willing
  • Disturbed
  • Misbehave

Blog by Neil, Logan and Ashton

P6/7 Homework w/b: 20.11.17



Skill:  soft g  When “g” is followed by:
eiy  it sounds like “j”.

            (There are some exceptions to this rule.)

The letter ”g” has two sounds, hard “g” and soft “g”.
The hard sound of “g” occurs more frequently. Its sound is heard in gas, got, gum, etc. Soft “g” sounds like “j”. It is heard in gem, giant, gym,

Practise the spelling words you have copied down or have a copy of, and choose and complete a ‘spell well’ activity of your choice! (using new Spell Well Homework Activity Guide)

Dictation – ask someone at home to choose one or two of the sentences below to dictate for you (read aloud to you, whilst you write it down).  Check to see if you spelled the words correctly and included correct punctuation.

  • The hamster’s cage door has a strong hinge.
  • The teenager was afraid of strangers.
  • The gymnastic class was held in a large room.
  • Put the gentle hamster in the cage.
  • Can giant windmills generate energy?
  • The gym has storage space.
  • Can you guess my two-digit number?
  • Can you manage the luggage?
  • Can you imagine being a giant?
  • The sloth is sluggish and pudgy.
  • I apologized to the clergyman.
  • My glasses are smudgy and germy.
  • Is a giraffe a gigantic, tall mammal?
  • I had a tragic fall and got emergency care.



Our class have entered a North Lanarkshire online maths contest with SUMDOG! This week we will be competing against other classes in North Lanarkshire, which have also entered the competition.

All you have to do is play Sumdog’s games and your scores will count towards our class score.  The final score that will be counted will be our class’ average score.

Students who answer 100 questions in a contest will receive an item for their Sumdog house.


Enterprise week

This week is Enterprise week in school and we are calculating cost and sale prices for our Christmas Fair craft.  We will be making our craft to sell on Saturday, discussing product, materials, production line, damage control, quality control.  We will also be investigating business and entrepreneurial skills and discussing the qualities and skills you need to be a successful business person.  In addition, we will be discussing our own dream jobs and the world of work in general.


At home, could you interview an adult about their job or career, using the given template as a guide.  Gather as much detailed information as you can, to share back at school next week.


jeudi 16 novembre 2017


Today we used an empty number line for addition and subtraction of decimals.We were rounding and adjusting real-life prices from  shopping lists and Chinese menus.In these photos,we are playing rounding bingo were the teacher calls out a multiple of 10 or 100 and if you have written a number which rounds to that number,you can cross it out.

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Today we were learning about the three different types of questions:

  • literal -these questions say the answer in the text.
  • inferential -in these questions, you need find to clues in the text .
  • evaluative -we could give our own opinion and have evidence to back up our answers.

On a power point,we were shown a picture with questions next to it and we had to answer the questions shown on the board. By Neil & Ashton


Police Visit

Today the police came in and  told us about : drugs, online safety and drinking.  We learned ways to avoid peer pressure and make correct choices, and the consequences of what would happen if we drunk alcohol too young, as our bodies aren’t developed enough.  We also learned about the consequences of becoming  involved in drugs, or even found with someone who had drugs.

We learned that children can escape from handcuffs. Then we learned you have to be 16 to have whatsapp  and you have to be 13 years old to have Facebook.

Did you also know, you can be arrested from the age of 8 years old?

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Today in football we were improving our skills. We also played a fun game competing against each other. Then we played dab tig and disco tig to warm up.

Then we practised our football skills: step-overs, drag backs, inside cut and outside cut, passing, dribbling, tackling and shooting.  We also completed some more of our football player workbooks.  We are working towards our gold level.

By Julia and Lacey

Counting on and back in 3s, 6s and 9s.

This  morning, we were using some fun you tube videos to help us count on and back in 3s, 6s and 9s. We had fun singing and dancing, as moving can help us to remember what we are learning!

We are learning the 3s, 6s and 9s together because they connect. 3 is double 6 and 9 is triple 3 and 3 more than 6.

We counted round in a circle, we split into 2 teams and chanted back and forth, trying to outdo the other team.

We realised that if we can count in 3s, that we can count in 30s!  Try this at home!

By Primary 6/7 and Miss Donald

P6/7 Homework w/b 13.11.17



This week, we are learning to spell words ending in ‘dge’ or ‘ge’.  They sound the same, but we have to work out whether they are spelt with dge or ge.

Top Tip: The following words ending in dge have short vowel sounds- a,e,i,o,u

: The following words ending in ge have long vowel sounds – A, E, I, O, U

dge ge
badge page
edge age
hedge sage
lodge huge
ledge rage
kedgeree cage
bridge wage


Up Levelling sentences

Up-level the following sentences, using the VCOP (vocabulary, connectives, openers, punctuation) strategies we have been learning, to make them more interesting to the reader. You can use adjectives, adverbs, similes, to enhance the Vocabulary used.

  • The monster growled
  • The boy jumped.
  • The man sang.
  • The dog barked.
  • The lady swam.


We have been covering different ways to add and subtract, and this week we are focusing on Rounding and Adjusting.  This means rounding one number to the nearest 10 / 100, carrying out the calculation and then adjusting the answer by taking off or adding on the amount we rounded by. This makes it easier to add and subtract.


43 + 9= 43 + 10 = 53.  Adjust -1 = 52.

56 + 28 = 56 + 30 = 86.  Adjust -2 = 84

23 + 11 = 23 + 10 = 33.  Adjust + 1 = 34

26 – 9 = 26 – 10 = 16. Adjust +1 – 17

Even if you can do this in your head, it is good to practise writing out the process of what your brain is doing, in order for you to understand it better.

A real life example of when you would do this is when you are doing your shopping – you round the numbers when you are picking your shopping so that you get an estimate of what your total will be – i.e. £3.99 + £2.89 = approximately £7.00, as you round to £4 and £3.


Try these examples:


  • 44 + 29 =
  • 32 + 58 =
  • 57 + 69 =
  • 27 + 18 =
  • 443 + 38 =
  • 135 – 29 =
  • 82 – 19 =
  • 760 – 38 =


Extra challenge: 2.3 + 4.8 =     12.55 – 3. 60 =     99.9 + 99.9 =     20 – 12.75 =  


Make up some of your own too, if you like.


Health and Wellbeing – PE Fitness circuits.


We have started recording the repetitions we can achieve in various fitness exercises in one minute, during circuit training in PE.

Our goal is to see an improvement in the number of repetitions we can complete in the minute, over a period of 5 sessions.


If you want to give yourself an extra boost to your goal, practise these exercises at home too, to build stamina and fitness. Here is a list of the exercises in your circuit:

Step ups, sit ups, press ups, skipping, burpees, shuttle runs, mountain climber, squats and star jumps.

Use the Kids Workout videos on YouTube to help you further and to practise correct techniques for these, and other exercises.

P6/7 Homework w/b: 6.11.17



  • Practise your ‘soft c’ spelling words, which you have written in your homework jotter.
  • Research and record the meanings of any unfamiliar words.
  • Choose 5 of the words and write 5 different sentences including them, OR write a short paragraph/silly story including them.

Reading – Keep reading your reading book at home.  At least 2 chapters this week.


We have been learning different strategies of addition and subtraction.  One of the strategies to recall my number bonds quickly and accurately is to use multiples of 10 and 100 to create new facts:

Quick grids – Draw some 3×3 grids (at least 3 please). In the top left draw a + sign. In the other two spaces in the top row and in the left column, write 2- or 3-digit multiples of 10 (or alternatively 3- or 4-digit multiples of 100). Finally, fill in the remaining four spaces with the totals, e.g:

2 digit example:

+ 50 30
50 100 80
40 90 70


2 and 3 digit example:

+ 50 170
80 130 250
140 190 310


3 and 4 digit example:

+ 500 1200
700 1200 1900
5600 6100 6800


There are also new addition and subtraction allocations on your Active Learn account!  Keep up with practising your maths on SumDog and Hit the Button too!

Health and Well-being

We are looking at being really healthy and having a balanced diet.  We are increasing our knowledge and understanding of the Eatwell plate, to evaluate our own food and drink choices.


Below is a link to the NHS website, with the Eatwell guide.


  • At home, keep a record of what you eat and drink every day, for a week! (We have already filled in Monday, and Tuesday up to lunch time together.)
  • If you can bring in some food packaging from home, which we will use in class to investigate the nutritional information.