P6/7 Homework w/b: 6.11.17



  • Practise your ‘soft c’ spelling words, which you have written in your homework jotter.
  • Research and record the meanings of any unfamiliar words.
  • Choose 5 of the words and write 5 different sentences including them, OR write a short paragraph/silly story including them.

Reading – Keep reading your reading book at home.  At least 2 chapters this week.


We have been learning different strategies of addition and subtraction.  One of the strategies to recall my number bonds quickly and accurately is to use multiples of 10 and 100 to create new facts:

Quick grids – Draw some 3×3 grids (at least 3 please). In the top left draw a + sign. In the other two spaces in the top row and in the left column, write 2- or 3-digit multiples of 10 (or alternatively 3- or 4-digit multiples of 100). Finally, fill in the remaining four spaces with the totals, e.g:

2 digit example:

+ 50 30
50 100 80
40 90 70


2 and 3 digit example:

+ 50 170
80 130 250
140 190 310


3 and 4 digit example:

+ 500 1200
700 1200 1900
5600 6100 6800


There are also new addition and subtraction allocations on your Active Learn account!  Keep up with practising your maths on SumDog and Hit the Button too!

Health and Well-being

We are looking at being really healthy and having a balanced diet.  We are increasing our knowledge and understanding of the Eatwell plate, to evaluate our own food and drink choices.


Below is a link to the NHS website, with the Eatwell guide.



  • At home, keep a record of what you eat and drink every day, for a week! (We have already filled in Monday, and Tuesday up to lunch time together.)
  • If you can bring in some food packaging from home, which we will use in class to investigate the nutritional information.

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